Visible to the public Simulation of Protected Industrial Control Systems Based on Reference Security Model using Weighted Oriented Graphs

TitleSimulation of Protected Industrial Control Systems Based on Reference Security Model using Weighted Oriented Graphs
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsLuzhnov, Vasiliy S., Sokolov, Alexander N., Barinov, Andrey E.
Conference Name2019 International Russian Automation Conference (RusAutoCon)
Date Publishedsep
Keywordsautomated systems, control engineering computing, control theory, critical infrastructure facilities, critical infrastructures, Cyber Attacks, data protection, graph theory, industrial control, industrial control systems, information resources, Information services, integrated circuits, Mathematical model, modeling of protected systems, open systems, production engineering computing, pubcrawl, reference security model, reference security models, security, security of data, Servers, Software, system protection analysis, weighted oriented graphs
AbstractWith the increase in the number of cyber attacks on industrial control systems, especially in critical infrastructure facilities, the problem of comprehensive analysis of the security of such systems becomes urgent. This, in turn, requires the availability of fundamental mathematical, methodological and instrumental basis for modeling automated systems, modeling attacks on their information resources, which would allow realtime system protection analysis. The paper proposes a basis for simulating protected industrial control systems, based on the developed reference security model, and a model for attacks on information resources of automated systems. On the basis of these mathematical models, a complex model of a protected automated system was developed, which can be used to build protection systems for automated systems used in production.
Citation Keyluzhnov_simulation_2019