Visible to the public Development of Methodology Guidelines for Security ResearchConflict Detection Enabled

PI(s), Co-PI(s), Researchers:

PI: Jeffrey Carver

This refers to Hard Problems, released November 2012.

Still in progress, none submitted/published yet

Each effort should submit one or two specific highlights. Each item should include a paragraph or two along with a citation if available. Write as if for the general reader of IEEE S&P.
The purpose of the highlights is to give our immediate sponsors a body of evidence that the funding they are providing (in the framework of the SoS lablet model) is delivering results that "more than justify" the investment they are making.

  • We have made significant progress on a "Good Examples" article that we believe will be a good starting point for discussion on improving scientific reporting in the external cybersecurity community.
  • We have begun a new study that will supplement our interview data by analyzing the comments left by reviewers on submissions to the HoTSoS conference.


The 12 interviews we completed were with researchers from within the SoS community or associate researchers. The next phase of interviews will be done with experts from the external cybersecurity field. Once consent is collected, we will also be analyzing the comments left by the review board of the HoTSoS conference.