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The Developing Secure Systems Summit (DS3)
Somesh Jha, University of Wisconsin

Online event broadcast live on YouTube. Held December 9, 2020

Registration is free, but encouraged:

  • The talks will be broadcast live and accessible without registration
  • Please register to participate in discussions and breakout sessions


The state of the art in developing secure computer systems is advancing rapidly, with progress in several communities around the world spanning the software industry, academia, research labs, and governments.

The Developing Secure Systems Summit (DS3) seeks to establish a new meeting ground for researchers and practitioners across these communities. Our goal is to share progress and stimulate further work on approaches that "build security in" to existing and new computing systems.

DS3 aims to be an inclusive event, building on several existing communities to forge its identity. On the one hand, we aim to reach out to the security research community that congregates at flagship events like IEEE Security and Privacy, the USENIX Security Symposium, and the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security. Equally, we seek to connect with the open source and industrial software security community that gathers around events like the Linux Security Summits, ShmooCon, BlueHat, and Real World Crypto. Additionally, we hope to interest others whose works are underrepresented at existing venues.

DS3 in 2020

For this year, we had initially envisioned a 2-day event hosted at Microsoft in Redmond. However, in light of the global pandemic we are aiming instead to first build an online community centered around a series of virtual seminars, drawing inspiration from several successful virtual events in the past months.

We are announcing now a first round of 7 invited speakers. We will announce additional events (e.g., breakout sessions and tutorials) will be announced separately. Further, based on feedback from participants, we expect to announce a second series of speakers in Spring 2021.


All in Pacific Standard Time (UTC-8). A full program with titles and abstracts will be available on our website.

  1. Galen Hunt, Microsoft (November 18, 9am--1030am)
  2. Herbert Bos, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (TBD)
  3. Web Security Talks and Panel (December 2, 9am--1030am)
  4. Somesh Jha, University of Wisconsin (December 9, 9am--1030am)
  5. Michelle Mazurek, University of Maryland (December 16, 10am--1130am)

Organizers and Steering Committee

  • Martin Abadi, Google
  • Anindya Banerjee, NSF
  • Byron Cook, Amazon
  • Dan Guido, Trail of Bits
  • Michael Hicks, University of Maryland (Vice chair)
  • Julia Lawall, INRIA
  • Mathias Payer, EPFL
  • Prateek Saxena, NUS
  • Nikhil Swamy, Microsoft Research (Chair)
  • David Tarditi, Microsoft (Vice chair)
  • Chris Wysopal, Veracode
Event Details
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