Visible to the public 9th Annual Best Scientific Cybersecurity Paper CompetitionConflict Detection Enabled


  A B O U T  T H E  C O M P E T I T I O N  

In order to encourage the development of the scientific foundations of cybersecurity, the National Security Agency (NSA) established The Annual Best Scientific Cybersecurity Paper Competition. NSA invites nominations of papers that show an outstanding contribution to cybersecurity science. A set of Distinguished Experts will review the nominations according to the criteria below. Awardees will be invited to NSA to receive the award and present the winning paper to an audience of cybersecurity experts.

  N O M I N A T I O N S  &  E L I G I B I L I T Y  

Papers published in peer-reviewed journals, magazines, or technical conferences are eligible for nomination. The date of the publication must be between January 1st 2020 and December 31st 2020. Nominations include, in 500 words or less, a nomination statement describing the scientific contribution of the paper and explaining why this paper merits the award. A strong nomination statement is desired and will be used as part of the criteria when evaluating paper submissions. Nominated papers must be available in English and pdf format. Nominations must be submitted via this site. The nominator may not be an author or co-author of the nominated paper. If a paper includes a reviewer as a co-author it may not be considered for an award. Papers may come from any field of cybersecurity research. (Please refer to the SoS-VO discussion forum What is Security Science?)

For a set of potential sources for paper nominations, please see: To suggest additional sources, please email .

  E V A L U A T I O N  

A set of distinguished experts will review the submitted nominations and provided individual assessments to the NSA Research Directorate.

The following individuals will serve as distinguished experts for the 9th annual competition:

DR. WHITFIELD DIFFIE, Cybersecurity Advisor
DR. ERIC GROSSE, Cybersecurity Advisor

DR. SEAN PEISERT, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
PROF. STEFAN SAVAGE, University of California, San Diego
MR. PHIL VENABLES, Goldman Sachs
DR. ARUN VISHWANATH, Cybersecurity Advisor
MS. MARY ELLEN ZURKO, MIT Lincoln Laboratory

For additional information on the review team.

The NSA Research Directorate recommended awardees to the NSA Director of Research, whose decision is final. Considerations in the evaluation of the nominated paper may include:

Scientific merit and significance of the work reported, the degree to which the paper exemplifies how to perform and report scientific research in cybersecurity.

  T I M E L I N E  

Submission Period Begins: December 15, 2020
Submission Period for Entries Ends: April 15, 2021 11:59 PM, EST.
Evaluation Process for Entries Begins: April 20, 2021
Winners Notified: By October, 2021
Winners Announced: Fall 2021