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The First International Workshop on Cyber-Physical-Human System Design and Implementation (CPHS21)

Full-day workshop on May 18th, 2021 at CPS-IOT Week. The CPS-IOT Week contains five top conferences, HSCC, ICCPS, IPSN, RTAS and IoTDI, multiple workshops and tutorials and exhibitions.

Cyber-physical-human systems (CPHS) are the foundation of many emerging applications such as home assistance, healthcare and wellbeing, smart infrastructure, smart manufacturing, and human-robot interactions. As an advanced subclass of CPS and IoT systems, CPHS emphasizes constructing human-friendly environments/devices and helping human to achieve their goals. Recent advance in AI has opened the possibility of scene and human behavior understanding to a new level. This human-centric view of CPHS significantly complicates system design and implementation, in terms of open behavior states, implicit human intent, dynamic device composition, as well as ethics, privacy, and security concerns.

This workshop intents to bring together academic, industrial, and government researchers to exchange CPHS design and implementation challenges and latest research results. We will solicit invited papers and open submissions. Both papers will be reviewed based on their research vision and academic contribution. We will also solicit posters for early work.

Topics of Interest

  • Cognitive science foundation of human behavior and intent
  • Human intent prediction and behavior understanding
  • Scene understanding and human-robot/object interaction
  • Ethics, security, privacy and safety issues in CPHS
  • On-body, implantable, and ambient devices for CPHS
  • System architecture, network protocol, and services for CPHS
  • Modeling, programming, inferencing, interfacing, and testing CPHS
  • Data management, data quality, and machine learning
  • CPHS applications, prototypes, and experiences

Call For Contributions

We cordially invite you to submit your contribution to the workshop.

We welcome submissions of full papers (MAX 6 pages) and extended abstracts (MAX 2 pages) of original work. The review of our workshop will be double-blinded. All the accepted papers and extended abstracts will be posted on the workshop's website and included in the ACM Digital Library.

Submissions must be sent in PDF format, 9 pt font, following the ACM conference template by the HotCRP system. Any questions please send an email to

Accepted contributions will have the opportunity to present their work/ideas to the audience of our workshop.

Moreover, the program committee will select excellent contributions for the best paper award.

Dates (Tentative)

  • Submission deadline: 7 February 2021 11:59:59pm AoE
  • Acceptance notification: 5 March 2021 11:59:59pm AoE
  • Final manuscripts: 31 March 2021 11:59:59pm AoE

Keynote Speaker

Daqing Zhang, Chair Professor at the School of EECS, Peking University, China and Vice-Chair of CCF Pervasive Computing Technical Committee. His research interests include context-aware computing, mobile computing, big data analytics and pervasive elderly care. He obtained his Ph.D. from University of Rome "La Sapienza", Italy in 1996. He is the associate editor for IEEE Pervasive Computing, IEEE Transactions on Big Data, ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, ACM Proceeding of IMWUT, etc.. In recent years, he has been exploring new areas such as "Social and Community Intelligence (SCI)", "Mobile Crowd Sensing (MCS)" and "Contactless Sensing" which aim to push context-aware computing to new frontiers. Dr. Zhang is the winner of the Ten-years CoMoRea impact paper award at IEEE PerCom 2013, the Honorable Mention Award at ACM UbiComp 2016 and 2015, the Best Paper award at IEEE UIC 2015 and 2012, and the Best Paper Runner Up award at Mobiquitous 2011.

Technical Program Co-Chairs

  • Jie Liu, Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen), China
  • Rong Zheng, Professor, McMaster University, Canada
  • Tam Vu, Oxford University, UK

Technical Program Committee (TBD)

  • Dan Wang, Hongkong Polytechnic University, China.
  • Weitao Xu, City University of Hongkong, China.
  • Alberto Cerpa, UC Merced, USA.
  • Yuan He, Tsinghua University, China.
  • Wenlong Zhang, Arizona State University, USA.
  • Nicholas Lane, Cambridge University, UK.
  • Bodhi Priyantha, Microsoft Research,USA.
  • Feng Jiang, Harbin Institute of Technology, China.
  • Guoliang Xing, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China.
  • Junehwa Song, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea.
  • Jorge Ortiz, Rutgers University, USA.
  • Wenyao Xu, University of Bufflo, USA.
  • Mi Zhang, Michigan State University, USA.
  • Maria Gorlatova, Duke Univesity, USA.
  • Rasit Eskicioglu, University of Manitoba, Canada.
  • Hao Su, City University of New York, USA.

Publication Chair

  • Siyao Cheng, Haribin Institute of Technology, China. Email:

Digital Support Chair