1st workshop on Real-Time Mixed Criticality Systems (ReTiMiCS 2013)
held in conjunction with the RTCSA 2013 http://igm.univ-mlv.fr/rtalgo/Events/RETIMICS
The 1st workshop on Real-Time Mixed Criticality Systems (ReTiMiCS 2013) will be a workshop to discuss real-time mixed criticality systems with one keynote and thematic sessions. The format of this workshop encourages interaction between participants to promote a spirit of co-operation and collaboration within the real-time scheduling community. Mixed Criticality Systems (MiCS) are new systems trying to combine safety-critical and consumer systems on the same platform. Consumer market redefines embedded systems and is source of hardware evolutions (multi-core, many-core systems, distributed systems). Safety-critical systems (automotive, aerospace) should take advantage of those new platforms to produce robust and predictable systems at competitive price. Safety-critical and consumer application are usually run on distinct systems. Research on Mixed-Criticality Systems aims at closing the gap between those two systems.
- Integration of critical and non critical applications on real-time multiprocessor systems.
- New concepts for hardware/software architectures (hypervisor, operating systems, schedulability conditions, formal methods, ...)
- High performance computing with MiCs. By-pass Moore's law by handling power consumption, heat dissipation limitations. Cache scheduling and related issues (CRPD), parallel scheduling, 3D architectures.
- Security and dependability issues with MiCS. How to conceive systems of different criticality having to cooperate ?
- Application of MiCS to new domains: mobile telecommunication networks, energy management systems, sensor networks with messages of different criticalities
- Data Management in shared memory used for mixed critical applications.