Visible to the public 1st workshop on Real-Time Mixed Criticality Systems (ReTiMiCS 2013)

held in conjunction with the RTCSA 2013

The 1st workshop on Real-Time Mixed Criticality Systems (ReTiMiCS 2013) will be a workshop to discuss real-time mixed criticality systems with one keynote and thematic sessions. The format of this workshop encourages interaction between participants to promote a spirit of co-operation and collaboration within the real-time scheduling community. Mixed Criticality Systems (MiCS) are new systems trying to combine safety-critical and consumer systems on the same platform. Consumer market redefines embedded systems and is source of hardware evolutions (multi-core, many-core systems, distributed systems). Safety-critical systems (automotive, aerospace) should take advantage of those new platforms to produce robust and predictable systems at competitive price. Safety-critical and consumer application are usually run on distinct systems. Research on Mixed-Criticality Systems aims at closing the gap between those two systems.

Keynote Speaker:
A keynote speech on Mixed Criticality Systems will be given by Sanjoy Baruah, University of North Carolina, USA.
Research challenges for MiCS are numerous. Among them, this workshop invites submissions in the areas such as, but not limited to:
  • Integration of critical and non critical applications on real-time multiprocessor systems.
  • New concepts for hardware/software architectures (hypervisor, operating systems, schedulability conditions, formal methods, ...)
  • High performance computing with MiCs. By-pass Moore's law by handling power consumption, heat dissipation limitations. Cache scheduling and related issues (CRPD), parallel scheduling, 3D architectures.
  • Security and dependability issues with MiCS. How to conceive systems of different criticality having to cooperate ?
  • Application of MiCS to new domains: mobile telecommunication networks, energy management systems, sensor networks with messages of different criticalities
  • Data Management in shared memory used for mixed critical applications.

Event Details
Taipei, Taiwan