Visible to the public Resilient Control of Cyber-Physical Systems with Distributed Learning - April 2021Conflict Detection Enabled

PI(s) and Co-PI(s): Sayan Mitra and Geir Dullerud and Sanjay Shakkotai (U. Texas at Austin)

Researchers: Dawei Sun and Negin Musavi

This refers to Hard Problems, released November 2012.

Resiliency: Effective verification of safety and security properties of autonomous and cyber-physical systems

Metrics: How much data is necessary to achieve a certain level of confidence regarding a safety/security claim

Papers written as a result of your research from the current quarter only.

Papers in preparation and submission:

Multi-agent Reactive Motion Planning from Signal Temporal Logic Specifications,Dawei Sun, Jingkai Chen, Sayan Mitra and Chuchu Fan, under review, February 2021.

NeuReach: Learning Reachability Functions from Simulations, Dawei Sun and Sayan Mitra, under review, February 2021.

Verification and Parameter Synthesis for Stochastic Systems using Optimistic Optimization, Negin Musavi, Dawei Sun, Sayan Mitra, Sanjay Shakkottai, and Geir Dullerud, submitted for review, September 2020.

Policy Optimization for Markovian Jump Linear Quadratic Control: Gradient-Based Methods and Global Convergence

and Parameter Synthesis for Stochastic Systems using Optimistic Optimization, Joao Jansch-Porto, Bin Hu, and Geir Dullerud, submitted for review, January 2021.

Linear Bandit Algorithms with Sublinear Time Complexity, Shuo Yang, Tongzheng Ren, Sanjay Shakkottai, Eric Price, Inderjit Dhillon and Sujay Sanghavi, submitted for review, February 2021.

Verifying Cyber-Physical Systems: A Path to Safe Autonomy, Sayan Mitra, Published by MIT Press, February 16, 2021.

Differential Privacy for Sequential Algorithms, Yu Wang, Hussein Sibai, Sayan Mitra, and Geir Dullerud, submitted.

Each effort should submit one or two specific highlights. Each item should include a paragraph or two along with a citation if available. Write as if for the general reader of IEEE S&P.
The purpose of the highlights is to give our immediate sponsors a body of evidence that the funding they are providing (in the framework of the SoS lablet model) is delivering results that "more than justify" the investment they are making.

We have formulated a new direction of scientific enquiry into safety and security analysis of autonomous and cyber-physical systems using statistical and machine learning techniques. Specifically, our approaches rely on distributed and sample-efficient optimization techniques that have been developed in the context of the Multi-armed bandit problem. We have shown how these optimization algorithms can be used effectively for statistical model checking of markov decision processes and hybrid systems. We have built a suite of benchmarks related to online safety analysis of autonomous and semi-autonomous vehicles. Our initial results are very promising as the data usage and the running time of our algorithms can be several orders of magnitude better than existing model checking approaches such as Storm and Prism. Two PhD students are dedicating their research time to the project and the prototype tool has been made available online.


Mitra gave several versions of a new lecture on "Towards verified robot code" at

  • Semiautonomous Systems Seminar, UC Berkeley, February 12th, 2021.
  • Chair's Distinguished Lecture in Aerospace Engineering, University of Michigan, October 29, 2020.
  • Digital Transformation Institute's Workshop on Safe Autonomy: Learning, Verification, and Trusted Operation of Autonomous Systems, December 7-8, 2020.


  • co-organized the 2-day industry/academia 12-speaker workshop: Digital Transformation Institute's Workshop on Safe Autonomy: Learning, Verification, and Trusted Operation of Autonomous Systems, December 7-8, 2020.

  • Learning for Safety and Control in Dynamical Systems, Semiautonomous Systems Seminar, UC Berkeley, November 20th, 2020.


  • Co-organized a one-day Juniors Forward Workshop for undergraduate students from historically under-represented groups, to discuss research and graduate school opportiunities, December 4, 2020.
  • Speaker and co-organizer of the Edison Lecture 2021 titled Failing Well: Big Engineering Failures that Led to Big Successes, February 2021. The Edison Lecture is a presentation to engage more than 1000 middle and high school students across Central Texas on STEM topics.
  • Keynote talk titled Multi-agent multi-armed bandits at IEEE UEMCON 2020, Sanjay Shakkottai, October 30, 2020.

Mitra participated in a panel discussion at the AFCEA Ideation and Innovation Virtual Event. March 10, 2021. Panel discussion on state of the art and challenges in implementing autonomy


None to report.