Visible to the public International Workshop on The Globalization of Domain Specific Languages

About the Workshop

Modern software-intensive systems serve diverse stakeholder groups and thus must address a variety of stakeholder concerns. These concern spaces are often associated with specialized description languages and technologies that are based on concern-specific problem and solution concepts. Software developers are thus faced with the challenging task of integrating the different languages and associated technologies used to produce software artifacts in the different concern spaces.

GlobalDSL 2013 is a full-day workshop that will bring together researchers and practitioners in the programming and modeling languages communities to discuss the challenges associated with integrating multiple, heterogeneous software languages. The languages of interest range from requirements to runtime languages, and include domain-specific modeling and programming languages. Challenges related to engineering composable languages, semantic composition of languages and to reasoning about systems described using heterogeneous languages are of particular interest.

GlobalDSL 2013 is supported by the initiative GEMOC that promotes research and development work exploring the necessary breakthrough in software languages to support global software engineering, i.e., collaboration, interoperability and composability in software languages.

Topics of interest include

  • Composability, interoperability of (domain-specific) languages,
  • Modularity, reuse, and variability of (domain-specific) languages,
  • Heterogeneous simulation, combination of Validation & Verification techniques.

Paper describing practical and industrial experiences related to the use of heterogeneous software languages are also encouraged, particularly in the following application domains:

  • Cyber-Physical Systems, System of Systems,
  • Smart City, Smart Building, Home automation,
  • Complex Adaptive Systems,
  • Internet of Services, and Internet of Things.
Event Details
Montpellier, France