TSOS 2013
TSOS 2013
4th Workshop on Trustworthy Self-Organizing and Autonomous Systems
September 9, 2013, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Affiliated to SASO 2013
Seventh IEEE International Conference on
Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems
Aim of the Workshop
The aim of the workshop is to bring together researchers of different
communities such as Multi-Agent Systems, Autonomic Computing, Organic
Computing, Trust Management, Security, Cyber-Physical Systems, and
Distributed Systems to discuss - based on high quality position or
research papers - the different aspects of trust in self-adaptive and
self-organizing systems and to create a sense of the overarching
concepts and problems that are associated with a holistic view on
trustworthy self-organizing and autonomous systems. The workshop is an
opportunity to promote this view and to engage in discussions about the
interconnectedness of the different facets and their interplay in
self-organizing and autonomous systems, as well as in presenting on-
going research and identify areas where more attention from the
community is required.
The workshop is aimed at researchers that have been investigating one of
the trust aspects (functional correctness, safety, security,
reliability, credibility, usability) in self-organizing or autonomous
systems or that have been looking into trust and its different shapes.
We explicitly encourage participation of researchers from different
communities within computer science. The workshop will be set in an
informal and cooperative atmosphere with ample time allotted to discussions.
Workshop Organization
Wolfgang Reif
Augsburg University, Germany
Institute for Software & Systems Engineering
Christian Muller-Schloer
Leibniz University Hannover, Germany
Institute for Systems Engineering
Audun Josang
University of Oslo, Norway
Jan-Philipp Steghofer
Augsburg University, Germany
Institute for Software & Systems Engineering
Universitatsstr. 6a
D-86159 Augsburg
+49 (0) 821 598-2177
(Please contact for all enquiries.)
Program Committee
* Elisabeth Andre, Augsburg University
* Didac Busquets, Imperial College London
* Radu Calinescu, Oxford University
* Rino Falcone, Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies
* Christian Damsgaard Jensen, Technical University of Denmark
* Jorg Hahner, Leibniz University Hannover
* Tom Holvoet, Katholike Universiteit Leuven
* Aad van Moorsel, Newcastle University
* Onn Shehory, IBM Research Labs Haifa
* Theo Ungerer, Augsburg University