Visible to the public FormaliSE Workshop 2013

FME Workshop on Formal Methods in Software Engineering
held in conjunction with ICSE 2013
Saturday 25 May 2013, San Francisco, USA

The software industry has a long-standing and well-earned reputation for failing to deliver on its promises and it is clear that still nowadays, the success of software projects with the current technologies cannot be assured.

For large complex projects ad hoc approaches have proven inadequate to assure the correct behavior of the delivered software. The lack of formalization in key places makes software engineering overly sensitive to the weaknesses that are inevitable in the complex activities behind software creation. Aids to precision in each phase of software development and crosschecking are essential, and this is precisely one the objectives of formal methods.

After decades of research, and despite significant advancement, formal methods are still not widely used in industrial software development. This may be due to the fact that the formal methods community has not enough focused its attention to software engineering needs, and its specific role in the software process. At the same time, from a software engineering perspective, there could be a number of fundamental principles that might help to guide the design of formal methods in order to make them more easily applicable in the development of software applications.

The main goal of the workshop is to foster integration between the formal methods and the software engineering communities with the purpose to examine the link between the two more carefully than is currently the case.


Invited keynote: Though this be madness, yet there is method in it?
Alan Wassyng (McMaster University, Canada)

Session 1: Specification
Do You Speak Z? Formal Methods under the Perspective of a Cross-Cultural Adaptation Problem
Andreas Bollin (Alpen-Adria Universitat, Austria)

Session 2: Verification
Functional SMT solving with Z3 and Racket
Siddharth Agarwal and Amey Karkare (Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India)

Trace Based Reachability Verification for Statecharts
Kumar Madhukar, Ravindra Metta, Ulka Shrotri and R. Venkatesh (Tata Consultancy Services, India)

An Integrated Data Model Verifier with Property Templates
Jaideep Nijjar, Ivan Bocic and Tevfik Bultan (University of California at Santa Barbera, USA)

Session 3: Application of Formal Methods
Towards a Formalism-Based Toolkit for Automotive Applications
Rainer Gmehlich, Katrin Grau, Felix Loesch, Alexei Iliasov, Michael Jackson and Manuel Mazzara

Recommendations for Improving the Usability of Formal Methods for Product Lines
Joanne M. Atlee, Sandy Beidu, Nancy A. Day, Fathiyeh Faghih and Pourya Shaker (University of Waterloo, Canada)

Lightweight Formal Models of Software Weaknesses
Robin Gandhi, Harvey Siy and Yan Wu (University of Nebraska at Omaha, USA)

Session 4: Timed systems
Automatic Validation of Infinite Real-Time Systems
Thomas Gothel and Sabine Glesner (Technische Universitat Berlin, Germany)

A framework for the rigorous design of highly adaptive timed systems
Louis-Marie Traonouez, Axel Legay, Maxime Cordy and Pierre-Yves Schobbens (University of Namur, Belgium, and INRIA Rennes, France)

Closing: Round table and discussion

For more details see,

REGISTRATION for the workshop is open, see (early registration with reduced rates closes on 14 April 2013).

For HOTELS and VENUE see

Stefania Gnesi (ISTI-CNR, Italy)
Nico Plat (West Consulting BV, The Netherlands).
The OC/PC Chairs can be reached via e-mail:

* Yamine Ait-Ameur (IRIT/ENSEEIHT, France)
* Manfred Broy (Technical University Munchen, Germany)
* Jurgen Dingel (Queen's University, Canada)
* Cindy Eisner (IBM Haifa Research Laboratory, Israel)
* Arie Gurfinkel (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
* Patrick Heymans (University of Namur, Belgium, and INRIA, France)
* Alessandro Fantechi (Universita di Firenze, Italy)
* Connie Heitmeyer (Naval Research Laboratory, USA)
* Mike Hinchey (Lero, Ireland)
* Axel van Lamsweerde (University of Louvain. Belgium)
* Peter Gorm Larsen (Aarhus University, Denmark)
* Marc Lawford (MacMaster University, Canada)
* Thierry Lecomte (ClearSy, France)
* Yves Ledru (IMAG, France)
* Antonia Lopes (University of Lisbon, Portugal)
* Tiziana Margaria (Potsdam University, Germany)
* Henry Muccini (Universita dell’Aquila, Italy)
* Isabelle Perseil (Inserm, France)
* Steve Riddle (University of Newcastle, UK)
* Matteo Rossi (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
* Wolfram Schulte (Microsoft, USA)
* Elena Troubitsyna (Abo University, Finland)
* Sebastian Uchitel (Imperial College and Universidad de Buenos Aires)
* Willem Visser (University of Stellenbosch, South Africa)
* Fatiha Zaidi (LRI/CNRS, France)

Event Details
San Francisco, CA