Visible to the public An Analytics Toolbox for Cyber-Physical Systems Data Analysis: Requirements and Challenges

TitleAn Analytics Toolbox for Cyber-Physical Systems Data Analysis: Requirements and Challenges
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsZanin, M., Menasalvas, E., González, A. Rodriguez, Smrz, P.
Conference Name2020 43rd International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology (MIPRO)
Keywordscps privacy, Cyber-Physical Products, Cyber-physical systems, data analytics, data privacy, human factors, Information Privacy, Information security, privacy, pubcrawl, Scalability, security, Time factors, Urban areas
AbstractThe fast improvement in telecommunication technologies that has characterised the last decade is enabling a revolution centred on Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs). Elements inside cities, from vehicles to cars, can now be connected and share data, describing both our environment and our behaviours. These data can also be used in an active way, by becoming the tenet of innovative services and products, i.e. of Cyber-Physical Products (CPPs). Still, having data is not tantamount to having knowledge, and an important overlooked topic is how should them be analysed. In this contribution we tackle the issue of the development of an analytics toolbox for processing CPS data. Specifically, we review and quantify the main requirements that should be fulfilled, both functional (e.g. flexibility or dependability) and technical (e.g. scalability, response time, etc.). We further propose an initial set of analysis that should in it be included. We finally review some challenges and open issues, including how security and privacy could be tackled by emerging new technologies.
Citation Keyzanin_analytics_2020