TIME 2013
20th International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning
Symposium Scope
TIME has been for more than a decade the only yearly multidisciplinary international event dedicated to the topic of time in computer science. The purpose of the symposium is to bring together active researchers in different research areas involving temporal representation and reasoning. The symposium also welcomes research papers on the related topics of spatial and spatio-temporal representation and reasoning. Traditionally, most contributions came from the Artificial Intelligence community, but the number of contributions from other areas such as Temporal/Spatial Databases and Temporal Logics has been increasing in the last years.
Brief History
The TIME International Symposium Series began in 1994. The first six annual meetings were held as workshops in conjunction with the FLAIRS (Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society) annual conference. As the workshop has grown, in 2000, the organizers decided to hold the annual meeting as an independent event. Over the years, participation of researchers from areas outside of mainstream AI (especially the database community) has grown. For this reason, beginning with TIME-2001, we have opened the meeting to active researchers in temporal, spatial, and spatio-temporal representation and reasoning from all areas. Additionally, since the annual meeting had matured and the format had evolved, since 2001 it changed its status from a workshop to a symposium. Also, beginning with TIME-2001, a track format has been adopted, with AI, DB, and Logic being the three main tracks.
Steering Committee
- Claudio Bettini, University of Milan
- Stephane Demri, LSV, CNRS & ENS de Cachan
- Clare Dixon, University of Liverpool
- Martin Leucker, Technische Universitat Munchen
- Angelo Montanari, Universita di Udine
- Mark Reynolds, The University of Western Australia
- David Toman, University of Waterloo
- Andre Trudel, Acadia University
- Jef Wijsen, Universite de Mons
Symposium Chairs:
- Cesar Sanchez, IMDEA Software Institute and CSIC, Spain
- K. Brent Venable, Tulane University and IHMC, USA
- Esteban Zimanyi, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium