DIFTS 2013
International Workshop on Design and Implementation of Formal Tools and Systems
Portland, OR October 19, 2013
co-located with FMCAD and MEMOCODE
DIFTS (Design and Implementation of Formal Tools and Systems) workshop emphasizes insightful experiences in formal tools and systems design. The first DIFTS workshop was held in 2011, DIFTS11. It provides a forum for sharing challenges and solutions that are original with ground breaking results.
Often the design and implementation of tools for formal analysis require non-trivial engineering decisions. Many challenges are faced, which often can only be met with ingenious implementation techniques. These techniques actually play a crucial role in making the idea work in practice. The workshop provides an opportunity for discussing engineering aspects and various design decisions required to put such formal tools and systems in practical use. DIFTS takes a broad view of the formal tools/systems area, and solicits contributions from domains including, but not restricted to,
- decision procedures
- verification
- testing
- validation
- diagnosis
- debugging
- synthesis
This workshop encourages and appreciates system development activities, and facilitates transparency in the experimentation. It will also serve as a platform to discuss open problems and future challenges in practicing formal methods.
DIFTS is co-located with FMCAD13. Call for Paper CFP (txt).Important Dates
- Paper Submission: July 24, 2013
- Author Notification: August 24, 2013
General and Program Chairs
- Malay K. Ganai, NEC Labs America, USA
- Alper Sen, Bogazici University, Turkey
Program Committee
- Armin Biere, Johannes Kelpler University, Austria
- Gianpiero Cabodi, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
- Franco Fummi, University of Verona, Italy
- Malay K. Ganai, NEC Labs America, USA
- Daniel Grosse, University of Bremen, Germany
- William Hung, Synopsys Inc., USA
- Daniel Kroening, Oxford University, UK
- Alper Sen, Bogazici University, Turkey
- Ofer Strichman, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
- Chao Wang, Virginia Tech, USA