CfP: Cyberspace Safety and Security 2021 (Deadline Extended!)
CSS 2021 Deadline Extension
The 13th International Symposium on Cyberspace Safety and Security (CSS 2021) 9-11 November 2021, Copenhagen Denmark
***This event will be held virtually***
The 13th International Symposium on Cyberspace Safety and Security (CSS 2021) is the next edition in a series of highly successful international events on cyberspace safety and security previously held as CSS 2020 (Hainan, China), CSS 2019 (Guangzhou, China), CSS 2018 (Amalfi, Italy), CSS 2017 (Xi’an, China), CSS 2016 (Granada, Spain), CSS 2015 (New York, USA), CSS 2014 (Paris, France), CSS 2013 (Zhangjiajie, China), CSS 2012 (Melbourne, Australia), CSS 2012 (Milan, Italy), CSS 2009 (Chengdu, China), and CSS 2008 (Sydney, Australia).
The CSS Symposium aims to provide a leading edge forum to foster interaction between researchers and developers with the cyberspace safety and security communities, and to give attendees an opportunity to network with experts in this area. It focuses on Cyberspace Safety and Security, such as authentication, access control, availability, integrity, privacy, confidentiality, dependability and sustainability issues of cyberspace.
In this year, CSS 2021 will be held in Copenhagen, Denmark, organized by Technical University of Denmark, Denmark.
Important Dates
Paper Submission Due - 15 September 2021
Author Notification - 10 October 2021
Camera-ready Paper Due - 20 October 2021
Author Registration Due - 30 October 2021
Conference Date - 9-11 Nov 2021
CSS 2021 welcomes original and innovative work from academia, industry and government presenting novel research efforts on all theoretical and practical aspects of cyberspace safety and security. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Web security
- Database security
- Adversary machine learning
- Data mining security
- Big Data Security
- Big Data Security
- Security in social networks
- Security in social networks
- Cyber physical systems security
- Trust computing
- Intrusion detection
- Digital Forensics
- Malware and botnet
- Vulnerability and risk assessment
- Anonymous communication
- Security in wireless communication
- Security in mobile devices
- Privacy preserving
- Attacks to privacy
- Cloud computing security
- Operation system security
- Software security
- Security architectures
- Cyber Security aspects in Smart Grid
- Security incidents, vulnerability and risk factors in power systems
- Biometric Authentication
- Biometric Security
Selected papers presented at the CSS 2021 will be invited to consider submission (after significant extension) for special issues
General Co-Chairs
Nicola Dragoni, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
Jun Zhang, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
Program Chairs
Weizhi Meng, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
Mauro Conti, University of Padua, Italy