Tue, 07/23/2013 - 3:25pm
Co-located with ACM/IEEE 16th International Conference on Model Driven
Engineering Languages and Systems
October 2013 - Miami, Florida (USA)
With the increasing use of Model-Based Development in many domains (e.g.,
Automotive Software Engineering, Business Process Engineering), models are
starting to become core artefacts of modern software engineering processes. By
raising the level of abstraction and using concepts closer to the problem and
application domain rather than the solution and technical domain, models become
core assets and reusable intellectual property, being worth the effort of
maintaining and evolving them. Therefore, increasingly models experience the
same issues as traditional software artefacts, i.e., being subject to many kinds
of changes, which range from rapidly evolving platforms to the evolution of the
functionality provided by the applications developed. These modifications
include changes at all levels, from requirements through architecture and
design, to executable models, documentation and test suites. They typically
affect various kinds of models including data models, behavioural models, domain
models, source code models, goal models, etc. Coping with and managing the
changes that accompany the evolution of software assets is therefore an
essential aspect of Software Engineering as a discipline.
ME 2013 will bring together researchers and practitioners to share experi-ences
in dealing with the various forms of evolution in modelling. ME 2013 combines a
strong practical focus with theoretical approaches required in any discipline
that supports engineering practices. In particular, ME 2013 targets researchers
and practitioners on model-driven engineering to meet, disseminate and exchange
ideas, identify the key issues related to the problem of model (co-)evolution
and consistency management, and explore possible solutions and future work. We
target, in particular, the cross-fertilisation of both the MDE and software
evolution communities. Therefore we consider models in a very broad sense which
is essential to allow researchers from different communities to identify and
discuss commonalties/differences among their specific (co-)evolution and
consistency management problems. ME 2013 will be held in Miami, Florida (USA)
and will host invited talks, technical sessions, and panels. Especilly, ME 2013
will foster the interactions between the participants, stimulating lively
debates and discussions around the topics of interest of the workshop.
Contributions are solicited on all aspects of models and evolution, its
foun-dations, practices and technologies. In particular, we encourage
submissions from both academia and industry about the following (non-exhaustive)
list of topics:
- Methods and languages for expressing and understanding model-driven software evolution
- Co-evolution of models, transformation, and artifacts w.r.t. meta-models
- Classification of (co-)evolution scenarios.
- Transformation techniques for evolving models: restructuring, refactoring, migration, translation, etc
- Traceability, verification/validation of evolving models and transformations
- Evolution and domain-specific languages
- Evolution in Cloud computing
- Evolution in SOA
- Evolution in Software Architectures
- Runtime models and consistency validation; (in)consistency management
- Conformance checking, inconsistency management synchronization, differencing, comparison, versioning, impact analysis of evolving models
- Supporting processes and tools for managing model-driven evolution
- Industrial needs, case-studies and experience reports
- Maintenance and evolution of model transformations
Both research papers, experience papers and tool presentations are welcome.
Papers describing novel applications and making significant research
contri-butions are of particular interest. Contributions must be written in
English and can be:
Long papers (max. 8 pages): These contributions should address novel research
ideas, challenging problems, or practical contributions in the domain of
model-driven software evolution.
Short papers (max. 4 pages):
- industrial feedback: industrial participants may contribute with experience or case studies about managing or putting into practice model-driven software evolution solutions in an industrial setting;
- position papers: young researchers may submit extended abstracts about their work in progress in the context of model-driven software evolution;
- visionary papers: these contributions take a visionary stance to the field describing long term ambitions, visionary technological advancements, paradigmatic changes and research agenda's. Note that the ideas presented must be clearly positioned, adequately thought out, and sufficiently documented;
- tool presentations: these submissions present (experience with) tools (which may be either research prototypes or commercial tools) that are fully/partially dedicated to supporting the evolution issues encountered in model based development.
Each submitted paper will undergo a formal peer review process by at least 3
members of the Program Committee. Accepted papers will be published in CEUR,
which is indexed by DBLP. Contributions should represent original and previously
unpublished ideas that are currently not under review in any conference or
journal. Papers must be in the Springer LNCS format.
An extension of the best papers will be invited for a special issue on the
Journal of Systems and Software - Elsevier.
Paper submission: July 15, 2013
Notification of acceptance: August 23, 2013
Camera-ready version due: September, 2013
Workshop dates: October 2013
Alfonso Pierantonio, University of L'Aquila (Italy)
Bernhard Schatz, fortiss Gmbh (Germany)
Abdelkrim Amirat, U. Souk-Ahras, Algeria (DZ)
Anne Etien, LIFL - U. Lille 1 (F)
Antonio Cicchetti, U. Malardalen (SE)
Arnaud Albinet, Continental Automotive (F)
Bernhard Rumpe, RWTH U. Aachen (D)
Davide Di Ruscio, U. L'Aquila (I)
Ethan K., Jackson, Microsoft Research (USA)
Gerti Kappel, TU Wien (AT)
Hans Vangheluwe, U. Antwerp/McGill U. (CAN)
Jean-Michel Bruel, IRIT (F)
Jesus Garcia-Molina, U. Murcia (ES)
Jochen Kuester, IBM Research, Switzerland
Ludovico Iovino, U. L'Aquila (I)
Mireille Blay-Fornarino, U. Nice-Sophia Antipolis (F)
Olivier Le Goaer, U. Pau et Pays de l'Adour (F)
Richard Paige, U. York (UK)
Salima Benbernou, U. Paris Descartes (F)
Stefan Wagner, U. Stuttgart, Germany
Tom Mens, U. Mons (B)
Udo Kelter, U. Siegen (D)
Vasilios Andrikopoulos, U. Stuttgart (D)
Jonathan Sprinkle, U. Arizona (USA)
Dalila Tamzalit, U. Nantes (F)
Further information about the ME 2013 workshop can be found at: