Visible to the public Non-Repudiation Storage and Access Control Scheme of Insurance Data Based on Blockchain in IPFS

TitleNon-Repudiation Storage and Access Control Scheme of Insurance Data Based on Blockchain in IPFS
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsSun, Jin, Yao, Xiaomin, Wang, Shangping, Wu, Ying
JournalIEEE Access
KeywordsAccess Control, attribute-based encryption, blockchain, ciphertext update, Companies, composability, Encryption, fog-computing, Human Behavior, Insurance, InterPlanetary File System, Metrics, outsourcing, pubcrawl, Repudiation, resilience, Resiliency
AbstractThe insurance business plays a quite significant role in people's lives, but in the process of claim settlement, there are still various frauds such that the insurance companies' refusal to compensate or customers' malicious fraud to obtain compensation. Therefore, it is very important to ensure fair and just claims. In this paper, by combining the blockchain technology and the ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption system, we build a scheme for secure storage and update for insurance records under the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) storage environment in the insurance system. In this scheme, we use the fog node to outsource encryption of insurance records to improve the efficiency of the staff; In addition, we store encrypted insurance records on IPFS to ensure the security of the storage platform and avoid the single point failure of the centralized mechanism. In addition, we use the immutability of the blockchain to achieve the non-repudiation of both insurance companies and the client. The security proof shows that the proposed scheme can achieve selective security against selected keyword attacks. Our scheme is efficient and feasible under performance analysis and real data set experiments.
Citation Keysun_non-repudiation_2020