Visible to the public Reinforcing Cyber World Security with Deep Learning Approaches

TitleReinforcing Cyber World Security with Deep Learning Approaches
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsSathya, K, Premalatha, J, Suwathika, S
Conference Name2020 International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP)
Date Publishedjul
Keywordscaptcha compromise, captchas, challenges in cyber security, Electronic mail, Integrating cyber security and deep learning, machine learning, Machine learning for Intrusion detection, Malware, malware detection, phishing, Phishing Detection
AbstractIn the past decade, the Machine Learning (ML) and Deep learning (DL) has produced much research interest in the society and attracted them. Now-a-days, the Internet and social life make a lead in most of their life but it has serious social threats. It is a challenging thing to protect the sensitive information, data network and the computers which are in unauthorized cyber-attacks. For protecting the data's we need the cyber security. For these problems, the recent technologies of Deep learning and Machine Learning are integrated with the cyber-attacks to provide the solution for the problems. This paper gives a synopsis of utilizing deep learning to enhance the security of cyber world and various challenges in integrating deep learning into cyber security are analyzed.
Citation Keysathya_reinforcing_2020