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Please contact the chairs: Susmit Jha ( or Arun Ramamurthy ( if you need any urgent assistance with your presentation. They are also the "Zoom Masters". 

You can log into http:/ to get the zoom details using password from your registration email. Those emails would have come from or 

Other instructions for the presentation are available at .

Our slack channel is (# workshop-destion in the cps-iotweek2022 slack). 

Times are in Pacific daylight (PDT), central European summer time (CEST) and China standard time (CST).

Time (PDT)
Pacific Daylight
Time (CEST)
Central European
Time (CST)
China Standard
Session Info


7:40 AM


4:40 PM


10:40 PM


0745 – 0845

7:45 – 8:45 AM

1645 – 1745

4:45 – 5:45 PM

2245 – 2345

10:45 – 11:45 PM

Session 1: Design Oracles and Simulation Models

  • Differentiable Surrogates for Computationally Expensive and Failure Prone Simulators
  • A Flight Dynamics Model for Exploring the Distributed Electrical eVTOL Cyber Physical Design Space
  • Design Oracle for AI-Based CPS Design
  • Developing a Testing Framework for Cyber-Physical Systems using Gazebo

0900 – 1000

9:00 – 10:00 AM

1800 – 1900

6:00 – 7:00 PM

0000 – 0100

12:00 – 1:00 AM

Keynote Talk 1

Design Assurance for Machine Learnign in Aviation, Dmitrii Kirov and Darren Cofer, Collins Aerospace

1015 – 1115

10:15 – 11:15 AM

1915 – 2015

7:15 – 8:15 PM

0115 – 0215

1:15 – 2:15 AM

Session 2: AI for Design

  • Rapid Design Space Exploration with Constraint Programming
  • Combinatorial and Parametric Gradient-Free Optimization for Cyber-Physical System Design
  • Trinity AI Co-Designer for Hierarchical Oracle-guided Design of Cyber-Physical Systems 

1130 – 1230

11:30 AM – 12:30 PM

2030 – 2130

8:30 – 9:30 PM

0230 – 0330

2:30 – 3:30 AM

Keynote Talk 2

Formal Inductive Synthesis and Specification Inference, Sanjit A. Seshia, UC Berkeley

1245 – 1345

12:45 – 1:45 PM

2145 – 2245

9:45 – 10:45 PM

0345 – 0445

3:45 – 4:45 AM

Session 3: Simulation and Exploration

  • A Learning-based Framework to Assist Architects in Generating 3D Building Models from 2D Images
  • Repeatable and Scalable Multi-Vehicle Simulation with Offloaded Dynamics using Federated Modeling
  • Comparing Strategies for Visualizing the High-Dimensional Exploration Behavior of CPS Design Agents
  • Integrating Multiple HLA Federations for Effective Simulation-based Evaluations of CPS


Accepted Papers

  •  Anirban Roy, Sujeong Kim, Min Yin, Eric Yeh, Takuma Nakabayashi, Matt Campbell, Ian Keough and Yoshito Tsuji. A learning-based framework to assist architects in generating 3D building models from 2D images
  • Sean Rooney, Emil Pitz and Kishore Pochiraju. Differentiable Surrogates for Computationally Expensive and Failure-Prone Simulators

  • Rahul Bhadani and Jonathan Sprinkle. Repeatable & Scalable Multi-Vehicle Simulation with Offloaded Dynamics using Federated Modeling

  • James Walker, F. Michael Heim, Bapi Surampudi, Pablo Bueno, Alexander Carpenter, Sidney Chocron, Jon Cutshall, Richard Lammons, Theodore Bapty, Brian Swenson and Sydney Whittington. A Flight Dynamics Model for Exploring the Distributed Electrical eVTOL Cyber Physical Design Space

  • Miklos Maroti, Will Hedgecock and Peter Volgyesi. Rapid Design Space Exploration with Constraint Programming

  • Akash Agrawal and Christopher McComb. Comparing Strategies for Visualizing the High-Dimensional Exploration Behavior of CPS Design Agents

  • Hongrui Zheng, Johannes Betz, Arun Ramamurthy, Hyunjee Jin and Rahul Mangharam. Combinatorial and Parametric Gradient-Free Optimization for Cyber-Physical System Design

  • Adam Cobb, Anirban Roy, Daniel Elenius and Susmit Jha. Trinity AI Co-Designer for Hierarchical Oracle-guided Design of Cyber-Physical Systems

  • Theodore Bapty, Sydney Whittington, James Walker, Joseph Hite, Brian Swenson, Kathrine Owens, Fred Eisele, Jason Scott and Robert Owens. Design Oracle for AI-Based CPS Design

  • Rizwan Parveen and Tanishq Nandan. Developing a Testing Framework for Cyber-Physical Systems using Gazebo

  • Himanshu Neema, Thomas Roth, Chenli Wang, Wenqi Guo and Anirban Bhattacharjee. Integrating Multiple HLA Federations for Effective Simulation-Based Evaluations of CPS