2022 SaTC PI Meeting Breakout Session Suggestions
2022 SaTC PI Meeting Breakout Session Suggestions
The NSF SaTC program will hold a PI meeting in 2022. This PI meeting will include around 15 breakout sessions in parallel to discuss challenges and needs for key research areas relating to the SaTC mission. Each breakout session will have one discussion lead and one scribe. The discussion lead and scribe will be responsible for presenting a breakout summary at the PI meeting, as well as writing a breakout summary report due within one week of the PI meeting.
Please suggest a topic for a breakout group along with optional suggestions for a discussion lead and scribe (ideally, you will be either the lead or scribe and provide a suggestion for the other).
If you have questions, please contact the PI Meeting co-organizers: William Enck <whenck@ncsu.edu>, Heather Lipford <richter@uncc.edu>, and Michael Reiter <michael.reiter@duke.edu>