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Workshop on Bridging International Societal Differences in Autonomous and Digitalized Energy Systems

June 28, 2022

Hybrid Hub at ACM e-Energy 2022

University of Oldenburg, Germany


Abstract: Emerging industrial platforms such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Industrial Internet (II) in the US and Industry 4.0 in Europe have tremendously accelerated the development of new generations of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) that integrate humans and human organizations with physical and computation processes (H-CPS) and extend to societal-scale systems such as traffic networks, electric grids, or networks of autonomous systems (self-driving cars, unmanned air vehicles) where control is dynamically shifted between humans and machines. Societal-scale systems are motivated by societal needs, but must meet social norms and expectations that differ, often significantly, across nations. However, in order for them to work and interoperate across national boundaries, the differences in social policies, regulations, and expectations must be incorporated at a fundamental level early in the engineering design phases. The aim of this workshop is to compare how the policies/regulations (and also the acceptance criteria) differ internationally (or will differ in the future for autonomous/digitalized systems); what the different R&D approaches are in the countries and how this can be married – cross-nationally if possible. Our premise is that even if there are probably no common overall solutions, the same building blocks (e.g., scenario-based test procedures) can and should be jointly developed/researched, which will then be integrated/used in the different regions in different ways in the respective implementations/approval procedures in different ways.


With the goal of fostering the development of technologies that can be adapted to varying social policies and regulations, we aim to bring together a large, interdisciplinary group of researchers working on integrated dynamics of humans, human organizations and networked CPS components, systems science foundations for resilient H-CPS, high-confidence design of H-CPS with learning enabled components, and social science. The main themes of the workshop include, but not limited to:

  • Understanding and comparing the nature, scope, and evolution of policies and societal expectations in the operation of societal-scale H-CPS.
  • Determining which societal factors have the greatest influence on technical solutions.
  • Developing new engineering and computer science education constructs that prepares students for the design and operation of a new generation of policy-aware H- CPS applications.
  • Investigating methods for the explicit and formal representation of societal context (operational, privacy, safety, security policies, incentives, pricing, and market policies) that are machine interpretable and impact the structure and behavior of H-CPS.
  • Developing policy-aware architectures that guarantee the enforcement of policy requirements during the operation of a new generation of H-CPS.
  • Developing societal policy models that are parameterized and configurable for different social contexts.
  • Developing tools and platforms for modeling and evaluating policy-aware H-CPS systems.

History of the Workshop: The rapidly increasing presence of automation systems, driven by the confluence of advancements in Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), creates fundamental societal and technical challenges that link liability, certification, assurance, and policy issues. Initialized by an international DFG (German Research Foundation) and NSF (US National Science Foundation) funded project “SD-SSCPS – Science of Design of Societal Scale Cyber-Physical Systems” (PIRE), in recent years expert workshops titled “Societal and Technological Research Challenges in Germany and the US: Diversity and Synergy Potentials” have been conducted, which brought together international experts from research organizations and public authorities to discuss these challenges for the specific context of PIRE’s application areas. In 2018, the workshop targeted highly automated road transportation systems. In 2021, the workshop focused on assured CPS autonomy for 3D urban transportation. These workshops have been organized as stand-alone events. In 2022 the application area shifts towards autonomous and digitalized energy systems and due to the Organizing Committee’s involvement with ACM SIGEnergy as well as E-Energy, this workshop is to be co-located with E-Energy’22 in order to draw benefits from its established international community.

Submission Deadline: March 31, 2022    April 15, 2022 (extended)
Author Notification: April 30, 2022
Camera-ready submission: May 18, 2022

We encourage submissions of previously unpublished work that address the challenges above and others critical to integrating humans, physical components and computers in human-cyber-physical societal systems. We also invite industrial case studies illustrating the challenges caused by the adoption of these policy-aware H-CPS architectures. We solicit submissions of up to 10 pages in 9-point ACM double-column format. Papers that do not meet the size and formatting requirements may not be reviewed. Word and LaTeX templates are available on the ACM Publications Website. Please use the template “sigconf”. The conference acronym is “e-Energy’22 PIRE Workshop, June 28, 2022, Virtual Event”. The proceedings of the workshop will be published by ACM Digital Library along with the e-Energy conference proceedings. Submissions can be done on HotCRP at:

Contact: For any questions, please contact one of the organizers:

Organizing Committee

Sebastian Lehnhoff

Juergen Niehaus
Oldenburg University

Werner Damm

Janos Sztipanovits
Vanderbilt University

David John Hess
Vanderbilt University

Himanshu Neema
Vanderbilt University