2013 PHM Data Challenge
2013 PHM Society Conference Data Challenge
The PHM Data Challenge is a competition open to all potential conference attendees. This year the challenge is focused on maintenance action recommendation, a common problem in industrial remote monitoring and diagnostics. Participants will be scored on their ability to accurately recommend confirmed problem types and not make any recommendations for historical nuisance cases.
This is a fully open competition in which collaboration is encouraged. The teams' may be composed of any combination of students, researchers, and industry professionals. The results will be evaluated by the Data Challenge committee and all teams will be ranked. The top scoring teams will be invited to present at a special session of the conference and first and second place finishers will be recognized at the Conference Banquet event.
Teams may register by contacting the Competition organizers (eklund@ge.com, garvey@ge.com) with their name(s), a team alias under which the scores would be posted, affiliation(s) with address(es), and contact phone number (for verification).
PLEASE NOTE: In the spirit of fair competition, we allow only one account per team. Please do not register multiple times under different user names, under fictitious names, or using anonymous accounts. Competition organizers reserve the right to delete multiple entries from the same person (or team) and/or to disqualify those who are trying to "game" the system or using fictitious identities.