2022 Organizing Committee
2 0 2 2 S a T C P I M E E T I N G C O - C H A I R S
William Enck is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the North Carolina State University where he is co-director of the Secure Computing Institute (SCI) and director of the Wolfpack Security and Privacy Research (WSPR) laboratory. Prof. Enck’s research interests span the broad area of systems security, with a focus on access control in emerging and complex systems such as those found in mobile platforms, Internet of Things (IoT), networks, and cloud infrastructure. In particular, his work in mobile application security has led to significant consumer awareness and changes to platforms, as well as a SIGOPS Hall of Fame Award. Prof. Enck is currently serving as a director at large for the USENIX Board of Directors, as department editor for IEEE Security and Privacy Magazine, as associate editor for ACM TOPS, and on the steering committee of the USENIX Security Symposium. He was program co-chair of USENIX Security 2018 and ACM WiSec 2016.
Heather Richter Lipford is a Professor at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, and is currently serving as the Interim Associate Dean of Research in the College of Computing and Informatics. She completed her Ph.D. from the College of Computing at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Her research interests include Usable Security and Privacy, Human-Computer Interaction, and social computing. At UNC Charlotte, she is co-directing the HCI Lab, is a member of the UNCC Cyber Defense and Network Assurability Center, and leads the UNC Charlotte site of the IUCRC Center for Cybersecurity Analytics and Automation.
Michael Reiter is a James B. Duke Distinguished Professor of Computer Science and Electrical & Computer Engineering at Duke University. His research interests include all areas of computer and communications security and distributed computing. He is a Fellow of the ACM and the IEEE and a recipient of the Outstanding Contributions Award from the ACM Special Interest Group on Security, Audit and Control. More information about Prof. Reiter can be found at https://reitermk.github.io/.
N S F 2 0 2 2 S a T C P I M E E T I N G L E A D S
Jeremy Epstein is lead program officer for the NSF Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC) program, NSF’s flagship multi-disciplinary cybersecurity & privacy program. Prior to this role, he was Deputy Division Director of CISE/CNS, where he was responsible for research in a range of computer science programs, including cybersecurity, cyber physical systems, smart and connected communities, computer systems, networking, computer science education, technology transition, and other assorted topics. Prior to (re)joining NSF in 2017, he was a program manager at DARPA I2O, and a program officer for NSF's Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC) program. He spent most of his career in industry, including at SRI International and webMethods. His areas of interest are in cybersecurity, particularly elections and voting security. Jeremy is also chair of the Association for Computing Machinery US Technology Policy Committee, founder/director of ACSA Scholarships for Women Studying Information Security (SWSIS), and former associate editor-in-chief of IEEE Security and Privacy Magazine.
Nina Amla is the Acting Senior Advisor for Strategy and Analysis in the Computer and Information Science and Engineering Directorate at the U.S. National Science Foundation. She is currently a Program Director in the Division of Computing and Communication Foundations and is responsible for several research programs including Designing Accountable Software Systems, Formal Methods in the Field, Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace and Software and Hardware Foundations. Dr. Amla’s expertise includes formal methods, cryptography, theory of privacy, and software engineering. Prior to her NSF appointment, she was a senior member of the technical staff at Cadence Design Systems.
Daniela Oliveira is a Program Director at the NSF Computer and the Directorate of Information Science and Engineering (CISE), Division of Computer and Network Systems (CNS), Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC), where she focuses on the Systems portfolio. She received her B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Computer Science from the Federal University of Minas Gerais in Brazil. She then earned her Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of California at Davis. She is on rotation from the University of Florida, where she is an Associate Professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, where she specializes on socio-technical aspects of cyber security systems research, including malware analysis and detection, cyber social engineering (phishing and mis/disinformation), and developer blindspots while coding. Daniela Oliveira received a National Science Foundation CAREER Award in 2012 for her innovative research into operating systems' defense against attacks using virtual machines, the 2014 Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) from President Obama, and the 2017 Google Security, Privacy and Anti-Abuse Award. She is a National Academy of Sciences Kavli Fellow and a National Academy of Engineers Frontiers of Engineering Symposium Alumni. Her research has been sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF), the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the MIT Lincoln Laboratory, and Google.
N S F S a T C P R O G R A M D I R E C T O R S | O R G A N I Z E R S | |
Jeremy Epstein (Lead) Nina Amla Nancy Arce Rob Beverly Dan Cosley Sol Greenspan Alex Jones James Joshi Sara Kiesler Rosa (“Ale”) Lukaszew Victor Piotrowski |
Daniela Oliveira Andy Pollington Balakrishnan Prabhakaran Gang Qu Phil Regalia Pam Shaw Rich Sheehey Alex Sprintson Nigamanth Sridhar Li Yang |
Frankie King (Vanderbilt) Jason Gigax (Vanderbilt) |