Use Case 2: Making Data Publicly Visible
Navigate to the file
- If you initially uploaded it to the CPS-VO Data Prototype Group, find the file from the group page by clicking “Files”
- If you initially uploaded it publicly to the CPS-VO, find the file from the corresponding Project page
- Click “Edit”
- Modify all fields that you wish to change.
- If you wish to completely delete the data, click “Delete” on the top right.
If you are uploading a new data file, click “Choose File” at the top left.
- If you do this, the old file will be overwritten, so ensure that the new file also contains all appropriate information.
If you wish to change the privacy of a dataset, navigate to the “Groups” section
- Check the “public” box to release previously private datasets
Uncheck the “public” box to hide previously published datasets
- Check any appropriate groups to share the dataset with
- Make sure to re-check the box next to the statement “I certify all materials submitted here conform to the 'Terms of Use' spelled out at *”
- Under “Notifications,” you can choose whether to log a message detailing the changes you have made, or you may click “Do not send notifications for this update.”
- Click “Save” either at the top right or bottom left and your changes will be confirmed!