Visible to the public SFSIG Formative Meeting


Part of Object Management Group's quarterly technical meeting

Needham, MA--The Object Management Group (OMG(r)) will be hosting the formative meeting of a Security Fabric Special Interest Group (SFSIG) at its quarterly technical meeting at the Hyatt Regency in New Brunswick, NJ on Wednesday, September 25th at 1:30pm EST.

The SFSIG plans to coordinate, guide and promote the use and evolution of end-to-end embedded systems security technology. This formative meeting will also work on a plan for the Security Fabric Alliance (SFA)- a community of practice formed by people engaged in the collective learning process focused on security for all critical infrastructure.

The meeting will outline the need for critical infrastructure security and will offer case studies of how the Security Fabric Reference Architecture has been used. The meeting will also introduce the planned SFA.

"Cyber-attacks to US and international commerce, industries and Departments of Defense are daily occurrences creating National Security Issues," said Norman Eaglestone, co-chair of the planned SIG and Chief Systems Engineer for the MACE Fusion Center. "Until we can secure every chip, firmware, operating system, network and middleware capability, our commerce and defenses are vulnerable. Taking security seriously is an idea whose time has come. We must turn the tide to make our infrastructures and future secure."

"We must enlist visionaries, thought leaders and security practitioners alike dedicated to changing how security is delivered and managed in our critical infrastructure; our way of life depends on it," said Chuck Speicher, co-chair of the planned SIG and Managing Principal Secure System Center at McAfee.

"Rather than improving over time, technological infrastructure security has actually degenerated as technology has advanced," said Dr. Richard Soley, Chairman and CEO of OMG. "OMG has worked with distributed-systems security specifications since its founding in 1989 with such international standards as CORBA, SysML and UML, and has worked on end-to-end systems security issues in many vertical markets including healthcare, finance and manufacturing. OMG is the ideal place for SF SIG as it brings together all of the top security professionals in the field to work on standards that will benefit the industry as a whole."

The meeting is open to all interested participants. Pre-registration to the event is essential and can be completed at To view the full agenda and learn more about the event, visit

OMG is an international, open membership, not-for-profit computer industry standards consortium. OMG Task Forces develop enterprise integration standards for a wide range of technologies and an even wider range of industries. OMG's modeling standards enable powerful visual design, execution and maintenance of software and other processes.

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Event Details
New Brunswick, New Jersey