Visible to the public -- Call for Workshops and Tutorials (CPSweek) 2014

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Cyber-Physical Systems Week (CPSweek) 2014

-- Call for Workshops and Call for Tutorials --

CPSweek is the meeting point for leading researchers in the thriving area of cyber-physical systems. Topics of CPSweek cover a large range of scientific areas, spanning topics from computer science, physics, embedded systems, electrical engineering, control theory, as well as application disciplines such as systems biology, robotics, and medicine, to name just a few.

Accordingly, the conferences associated with CPSweek also cover a broad set of scientific topics. Since its inception in 2008, CPSweek also offers a range of associated workshops which cover CPS-related special topics and applications. During the last six years, up to ten workshops and tutorials have been held each year in conjunction with CPSweek, with some of the workshops already having seen their fourth iteration.

CPSWeek 2014 will include a workshop and tutorial day on April 14, 2014. Each workshop will provide an arena for presentations and discussions about a special topic of relevance to CPSWeek. Each tutorial will present in-depth content in a mini-course format aimed primarily at students, researchers, or attendees from industry. Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit workshop or tutorial proposals. Proposals should be submitted in a maximum 2-page PDF file, containing the following information:

  • Workshop or tutorial title,
  • Abstract (maximum 200 words),
  • The topic of the workshop/tutorial and how it relates to CPSWeek,
  • The organizers behind the workshop/tutorial including contact information, and short bio and affiliation,
  • Proposed Program Committee,
  • Planned review procedures,
  • In the case of a workshop what the intended format will be (invited presentations, submitted presentations, panels, etc),
  • Expected sponsorships (if any),
  • Profile of a typical attendee (academic researcher, student or industry participant),
  • A rough estimate of the number of participants,
  • In case the workshop/tutorial has been previously held, provide information on the conference, date, and number of attendees.

In every workshop room, a video projector will be available for presentations. Please indicate if you require further equipment, e.g. poster walls, a whiteboard or flip chart. Please send the proposal to the CPSWeek 2014 workshop and tutorial chair, Peter Marwedel, - with email title "[CPSWEEK 2014] Workshop and Tutorial Proposal".

Important dates:

  • September 29th, 2013: Submission deadline for workshop and tutorial proposals
  • October 19th, 2013: Acceptance notification
  • April 14th, 2014: Workshop and tutorial day

Registration for workshops will be handled in connection with registration to the conference part of CPSWeek.

CPSWeek 2014 reserves the right to cancel non-viable workshops/tutorials.