Visible to the public Practical Approach of Security Enhancement Method based on the Protection Motivation Theory

TitlePractical Approach of Security Enhancement Method based on the Protection Motivation Theory
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsChoi, Heeyoung, Young, Kang Ju
Conference Name2021 21st ACIS International Winter Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD-Winter)
Keywordsartificial intelligence, composability, Computer crime, Computing Theory, Human Behavior, Information security, information theoretic security, Organizations, protection motivation theory, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, security enhancements, security stress, software engineering, Stress, Trust

In order to strengthen information security, practical solutions to reduce information security stress are needed because the motivation of the members of the organization who use it is needed to work properly. Therefore, this study attempts to suggest the key factors that can enhance security while reducing the information security stress of organization members. To this end, based on the theory of protection motivation, trust and security stress in information security policies are set as mediating factors to explain changes in security reinforcement behavior, and risk, efficacy, and reaction costs of cyberattacks are considered as prerequisites. Our study suggests a solution to the security reinforcement problem by analyzing the factors that influence the behavior of organization members that can raise the protection motivation of the organization members.

Citation Keychoi_practical_2021