Postdoctoral Position at Virginia Tech
Tue, 10/15/2013 - 3:25pm
Postdoctoral Research Associate
ECE Department
Virginia Tech, USA
A postdoctoral position is available in the Systems Software Research Group at Virginia Tech on a concurrency refactoring project. The project involves automatically converting legacy sequential codebases to exploit multicore parallelism through code transformations at intermediate representation level (e.g., bytecode rewriting) and subsequent speculative execution (e.g., transactional memory). The position involves developing compile/run-time techniques that enable such code transformations and building them into experimental (compiler, run-time, VM) infrastructures.
Recent computer science or computer engineering PhD graduates with background in transactional memory, compilers, run-times, or virtual machines are sought. Background in GCC or LLVM is a plus. The position is for two-year minimum, with strong possibilities for additional years, and have no teaching obligations. Contact Prof. Binoy Ravindran with a CV or for any questions.