Visible to the public Cyber Makerspace - October 2022Conflict Detection Enabled

PI: Ákos Lédeczi


While educational robotics and makerspaces are useful to modern STEM education, they introduce both physical and economic barriers to entry. By creating a “cyber makerspace,” a simulated, networked environment, we can facilitate instruction on cyber-physical systems and their security and related topics while reducing cost and complexity. The approach will facilitate reaching audiences from traditionally underrepresented groups. It also supports remote learning, an especially important feature due to the current pandemic.



  • Corey Brady, Brian Broll, Gordon Stein, Devin Jean, Shuchi Grover, Veronica Cateté, Tiffany Barnes, Ákos Lédeczi, “Block-based abstractions and expansive services to make advanced computing concepts accessible to novices,” Journal of Computer Languages, Volume 73, Elsevier, 2022


In this quarter, we focused on formalizing the curriculum of a high school Computer Science course that has been approved by the State of Tennessee and is being piloted in the Martin Luther King Jr, High School in the current academic year. The curriculum includes utilizing the cyber makerspace to teach cybersecurity concepts in a virtual 3D robotics environment. We have also continued the work on a revised version of the virtual robotics environment; one that works in the browser and hence, does not require installing a separate executable. Another significant advantage is the seamless integration with the NetsBlox programming environment. Finally, conducted virtual summer camps to fine tune the curriculum.


We made a presentation at the annual Snap!Con conference attended by many high school teachers:

  • Block-powered Virtual Robots (and More) in Your Browser! by Gordon Stein


As the main focus of the project is education, all of our accomplishments listed in this report contribute to educational advances.