Visible to the public "US Online Grocery Delivery Platform Leaks 11M User Records"Conflict Detection Enabled

An attacker uploaded a database containing the personal information of 11 million Weee! customers. Weee! is a US-based online grocery delivery platform. According to researchers at Cybernews, the leak appeared to contain information that had not previously been leaked. The individual who posted the database claims that it was stolen in February 2023. They appear to be the same person who exposed US Cellular's stolen data. The threat actor claims that the database contains sensitive information such as users' first and last names, email addresses, phone numbers, home addresses, delivery types, devices, and other information necessary for grocery delivery. For example, some of the logs have delivery instructions left by Weee! customers for couriers, such as building access codes. This information leaves customers more vulnerable to targeted scams, spear phishing campaigns, tracking, and unsolicited contact. This article continues to discuss the leak of 11 million Weee! customers' data.

Cybernews reports "US Online Grocery Delivery Platform Leaks 11M User Records"