Visible to the public "Integreon CyberHawk-AI Identifies Patterns of Frequently Compromised Information"Conflict Detection Enabled

Integreon has recently unveiled the development of CyberHawk-AI, an advanced automated technology that utilizes artificial intelligence (AI) to streamline the process of extracting and analyzing sensitive data following cyber breaches. The company noted that this technology will be integrated into their cyber response workflow to reduce the manual effort in preparation for breach notification. Integreon also announced its partnership with RadarFirst to deliver consistent, actionable breach notification guidance for all relevant regulations. Integreon's CyberHawk-AI is a machine learning-based BoT designed to expedite the review process for potentially compromised data while improving accuracy and overall efficiency. This solution, developed by Integreon's i-Lab technology enablement team, learns and subsequently identifies patterns of compromised information. The company noted that the BoT highlights these patterns and automates the first pass review of documents to identify personally identifiable information. Automated first-pass review, followed by next-level review and quality checks conducted by cyber review experts, allows Integreon to reduce turnaround times while ensuring accuracy. The company noted that this new software is the first technology in the cyber incident response space to utilize machine learning, human-in-the-loop (HITL), and a reinforced training module. With the integration of RadarFirst, Integreon automatically uploads the Consolidated Entity List (CEL) and enters information about the breach into RadarFirst's SaaS software based on jurisdictional notification requirements, then the platform highlights and creates a notification prioritization.

Help Net Security reports: "Integreon CyberHawk-AI Identifies Patterns of Frequently Compromised Information"