Visible to the public Improving Organizations Security Using Visual Cryptography Based on XOR and Chaotic-Based Key

TitleImproving Organizations Security Using Visual Cryptography Based on XOR and Chaotic-Based Key
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsTahmasbi, Maryam, Boostani, Reza, Aljaidi, Mohammad, Attar, Hani
Conference Name2022 International Engineering Conference on Electrical, Energy, and Artificial Intelligence (EICEEAI)
Date Publishednov
Keywordsartificial intelligence, chaotic cryptography, computational complexity, encoding, Encryption, Metrics, Organizations, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, Scalability, steganography, Visual Encryption, visualization, XOR operator
AbstractSince data security is an important branch of the wide concept of security, using simple and interpretable data security methods is deemed necessary. A considerable volume of data that is transferred through the internet is in the form of image. Therefore, several methods have focused on encrypting and decrypting images but some of the conventional algorithms are complex and time consuming. On the other hand, denial method or steganography has attracted the researchers' attention leading to more security for transferring images. This is because attackers are not aware of encryption on images and therefore they do not try to decrypt them. Here, one of the most effective and simplest operators (XOR) is employed. The received shares in destination only with XOR operation can recover original images. Users are not necessary to be familiar with computer programing, data coding and the execution time is lesser compared to chaos-based methods or coding table. Nevertheless, for designing the key when we have messy images, we use chaotic functions. Here, in addition to use the XOR operation, eliminating the pixel expansion and meaningfulness of the shared images is of interest. This method is simple and efficient and use both encryption and steganography; therefore, it can guarantee the security of transferred images.
Citation Keytahmasbi_improving_2022