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In 2022, the cybersecurity firm Group-IB identified nearly 3,700 different phishing kits, a 25 percent increase from 2021. A phishing kit is a collection of tools used to execute widespread phishing campaigns. Typically, threat actors manage stolen data via email. Gmail remained the most popular service, with 45 percent of phishers preferring Google as a data processing tool. However, according to Group-IB's Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-GIB), the number of phishing kits that rely on Telegram to collect stolen data has nearly doubled. In 2022, 9.4 percent of phishers used Telegram for information management. The flexibility and convenience of the messenger enable cybercriminals to manage and process compromised information in near real-time, according to the company. Many encrypted messaging services, such as Signal and WhatsApp, are used by criminals because they provide users with a great deal of anonymity. This article continues to discuss Telegram becoming a top choice among cybercriminals for handling stolen information.

Cybernews reports "Telegram Emerges as Criminals' Top Choice for Handling Stolen Information"