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The UK National Protective Security Authority (NPSA) has issued guidance regarding the threat of cyberattacks targeting security systems with the intent of altering data, opening a portal, or silencing alarms. In response to the issue, the NPSA established the "Cyber Assurance of Physical Security Systems (CAPSS)" scheme. This scheme aims to help Critical National Infrastructure (CNI) providers and other organizations gain confidence in the cyber components of electronic security products that, while robust in the realm of physical security, could potentially be compromised by a hacker. The CAPSS is compromised of the CAPSS Standard and the CAPSS Guidance. The CAPSS Standard is the core document of the assurance program, in which a security product's cyberattack mitigations are independently assured against a set of "Security Characteristics" covering various potential cyberattack threats. This article continues to discuss the guidance published by the UK NPSA on the threat of cyberattacks on physical security systems.

Continuity Central reports "Threat of Cyber Attacks on Physical Security Systems Highlighted by NPSA"