"Over 1,000 Patients of UL Hospitals Group Affected by Data Breach Involving Unknown Party"
The UL Hospitals Group (ULHG), which runs six hospitals in the mid-west region, has recently announced that it is writing to more than 1,000 patients whose personal and medical information was inadvertently shared with an unknown third party in a data breach. The data breach occurred last January when a staff member mistakenly sent the information to an "unknown party." The company noted that efforts to recall the information about the 1,066 patients attending gastroenterology services at three hospitals have proved unsuccessful. The company stated that they are writing to over 1,000 patients in relation to a data breach within the gastroenterology services at University Hospital Limerick, Ennis Hospital, and Nenagh Hospital. The data breach concerns patients who attended these services between 2018 and January 2023. The company noted that a file attached to the email included patient names, dates of birth, medical chart numbers, and limited medical information. The company stated that no personal contact details, such as patient phone numbers or email addresses, have been disclosed in this breach.