Visible to the public ICTG 2014

7th International Conference on Graph Transformation

Dynamic structures are a major cause for complexity when it comes to model
and reason about systems. They occur in software architectures,
configurations of artefacts such as code or models, pointer structures,
databases, networks, etc. As interrelated elements, which may be added,
removed, or change state, they form a fundamental modelling paradigm as well
as a means to formalise and analyse systems. Applications include
architectural reconfigurations, model transformations, refactoring, and
evolution of a wide range of artefacts, where change can happen either at
design or at run time. Dynamic structures occur also as part of semantic
domains or computational model for formal modelling languages.

Based on the observation that all these approaches rely on very similar
notions of graphs and graph transformations, theory and applications of
graphs, graph grammars and graph transformation systems have been studied in
our community for more than 40 years. The conference aims at fostering
interaction within this community as well as attracting researchers from
other areas to join us, either in contributing to the theory of graph
transformation or by applying graph transformations to already known or
novel areas, such as self-adaptive systems, overlay structures in cloud or
P2P computing, advanced computational models for DNA computing, etc.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* General models of graph transformation
* Parallel, concurrent, and distributed graph transformations
* Hierarchical graphs and graph decompositions
* High-level and adhesive replacement systems
* Term graph rewriting
* Graph theoretical properties of graph languages
* Geometrical and topological aspects of graph transformation
* Graph automata and parsing of graph languages
* Logical aspects of graph transformation
* Behavioural analysis and verification of graph transformation systems
* Structuring and modularization concepts for graph transformation systems
* Graph transformation and Petri nets

* Model-driven development, especially model transformations
* Domain-specific languages
* Software architecture, refactoring and evolution
* Implementation of programming languages
* Access control and security models
* Aspect-oriented development
* Image generation and pattern recognition techniques
* Bioinformatics and system biology
* Natural computing
* Workflows and business processes
* Self-adaptive systems and ubiquitous computing
* Service-oriented applications and semantic web

The 7th International Conference on Graph Transformation (ICGT 2014) will be
held in York, UK. It continues the series of conferences previously held in
Barcelona (Spain) in 2002, Rome (Italy) in 2004 (ICGT 2004), Natal (Brazil)
in 2006 (ICGT 2006), Leicester (UK) in 2008 (ICGT 2008), Enschede
(The Netherlands) in 2010 (ICGT 2010), and Bremen (Germany) in 2012
(ICGT 2012), as well as a series of six International Workshops on Graph
Transformation with Applications in Computer Science between 1978 to 1998.

The conference is affiliated with STAF (Software Technologies: Applications
and Foundations) and it takes place under the auspices of EATCS
(, EASST (, and IFIP
( WG 1.3. We plan to publish proceedings in the
Springer series "Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)"

As at its predecessors, several ICGT satellite events will take place before
and after the main conference.

Event Details
York, UK