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The National Security Agency (NSA) has issued a new Cybersecurity Technical Report (CTR) titled "Cisco Firepower Hardening Guide" to help network and system administrators configure these next generation firewalls (NGFWs). The CTR covers properly configuring NGFWs and provides best practices for configuring and hardening Cisco Firepower Threat Defense (FTD), now known as Cisco Secure Firewall, systems beyond default security features and traditional firewall capabilities. The report notes that Cisco FTD systems are NGFWs that incorporate application and network layer security features. In addition to traditional features, NGFWs offer application visibility and controls (AVC), URL filtering, user identity and authentication, malware protection, and intrusion prevention. This article continues to discuss NSA's CTR on strengthening the security of Cisco NGFWs.

NSA reports "NSA Releases Guide to Harden Cisco Next Generation Firewalls"