Visible to the public "SapphireStealer Malware: A Gateway to Espionage and Ransomware Operations"Conflict Detection Enabled

Multiple entities are enhancing the capabilities of SapphireStealer, an open-source .NET-based information stealer malware, and spawning their own custom variants. According to Cisco Talos researcher Edmund Brumaghin, information-stealing malware such as SapphireStealer can be used to obtain sensitive data, such as corporate credentials, which are typically resold to other threat actors who use the access for espionage, ransomware/extortion, and other attacks. Over time, an entire ecosystem has developed that enables both financially motivated and nation-state actors to use stealer malware vendors' services to conduct various attacks. In this light, such malware not only represents an evolution of the Cybercrime-as-a-Service (CaaS) model, but it also enables other threat actors to profit from the stolen data in order to distribute ransomware, steal data, and engage in other malicious cyber activities. This article continues to discuss findings regarding SapphireStealer.

THN reports "SapphireStealer Malware: A Gateway to Espionage and Ransomware Operations"