Visible to the public  CPS: Medium: Hybrid Systems for Modeling and Teaching the Language of Surgery

Project Details
Lead PI:Gregory Hager
Co-PI(s):Sanjeev Khudanpur
Rajesh Kumar
Performance Period:09/01/09 - 12/31/13
Institution(s):Johns Hopkins University
Sponsor(s):National Science Foundation
Award Number:0931805
2821 Reads. Placed 55 out of 804 NSF CPS Projects based on total reads on all related artifacts.
Abstract: The objective of this research is to develop new principles for creating and comparing models of skilled human activities, and to apply those models to systems for teaching, training and assistance of humans performing these activities. The models investigated will include both hybrid systems and language-based models. The research will focus on modeling surgical manipulations during robotic minimally invasive surgery. Models for expert performance of surgical tasks will be derived from recorded motion and video data. Student data will be compared with these expert models, and both physical guidance and information display methods will be developed to provide feedback to the student based on the expert model. The intellectual merit of this work lies in the development of a new set of mathematical tools for modeling human skilled activity. These tools will provide new insights into the relationship between skill, style, and content in human motion. Additional intellectual merit lies in the connection of hybrid systems modeling to language models, the creation of techniques for automated training, and in the assessment of new training methods. The broader impact of this research will be the creation of automated methods for modeling and teaching skilled human motion. These methods will have enormous implications for the training and re-training of the US workforce. This project will also impact many diversity and outreach activities, including REU programs and summer camps for K-12 outreach. The senior personnel of this project also participate in the Robotic Systems Challenge and the Women in Science and Engineering program.