Visible to the public NSF-PIRE Societal CPS Review MeetingConflict Detection Enabled


  Times listed are EDT  

TUESDAY, AUGUST 17 - 11am to 2pm EDT
1100 - 1115 Project Overview
Janos Sztipanovits (Vanderbilt)
1115 - 1130 Digital Transformation of Societal Systems
S. Shankar Sastry (UC Berkeley)
1130 - 1145 Assuring Individual, Social, and Cultural Embeddedness of Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems
Werner Damm (Oldenburg) and Alexander Pretschner (TUM)
1145 - 1155 Societal and Technological Research Challenges for Highly Automated Road Transportation Systems - US-German Workshop 2018
Werner Damm (Oldenburg)
1155 - 1210 Workshop on Assured CPS Autonomy for 3D Urban Transportation: Drones, Flying Cars, and Beyond
Claire Tomlin (UC Berkeley)
1210 - 1220 Research talk: Bringing Societal Perspective Into Multidisciplinary Design Thinking and Practice
David Hess (Vanderbilt) and Dasom Lee (University of Twente)
1220 - 1230 Research talk: Joining Models of Human Behavior and Technical Systems
Alexander Pretschner (TUM) and Gabor Karsai (Vanderbilt)
1230 - 1240 Research talk: Living Laboratories and Experiments for Connected Vehicles
Daniel B. Work (Vanderbilt) and Alexander Pretschner (TUM)
1240 - 1245 Education and Outreach Activities
Katie Dey (Vanderbilt)
1245 - 1255 Student Panel: Perspective on Program Participation
Jennifer Fish
Caroline Janssen
Maya Kumar
1255 - 1300 Assessment Report
Gabrielle Chapman
1300 - 1400 Q&A
1400 Adjourn