Visible to the public SURE Review Meeting - March 17-18, 2015

SURE Review Meeting - March 17-18, 2015

The SURE Project review meeting was held Tuesday, March 17 through Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee.

Program Agenda

1200 - 1300 Registration | Lunch pickup

Project Overview
Xenofon Koutsoukos (Vanderbilt)
1300 - 1345 Evaluation Testbed
Peter Volgyesi and Himanshu Neema (Vanderbilt University)
1345 - 1430 Science of Adversarial Risk in CPS
Yevgeniy Vorobeychik (Vanderbilt)
1430 - 1445 Break
1445 - 1530 Incentive Mechanisms for CPS Security
Saurabh Amin (MIT)
1530 - 1615 Putting Humans in the Loop: Active Learning at Scale for Malware Detection
Anthony Joseph (UC Berkeley)
1615 - 1700 Modeling Privacy in Human CPS
Roy Dong (UC Berkeley)
0830 - 0900 Check-In | Continental Breakfast
0900 - 0945 Secure Computation in Actor Networks
Dusko Pavlovic (U of Hawaii)
0945 - 1015 Attack-Resilient Observation Selection
Aron Laszka (Vanderbilt University)
1015 - 1045 Resilient Sensor Network Design for Flow Networks
Waseem Abbas (Vanderbilt University)
1045 - 1100 Break
1100 - 1145 Using Machine Learning to Improve the Resilience of Control
Claire Tomlin (UC Berkeley)
1145 - 1215 Resilient and Secure Component-Based Software for CPS Architectures
Gabor Karsai (Vanderbilt University)
1215 - 1315 Lunch Pickup

Science of Security Virtual Organization
Katie Dey (Vanderbilt University)
1315 - 1345 Demo: Resilient and Secure Component-Based Software for CPS Architectures
William Emfinger and Pranav Kumar (Vanderbilt University)
1345 - 1430 System-Level Co-design for CPS Security
Janos Sztipanovits (Vanderbilt University)
1430 - 1500 Wrap-up and feedback
1500 Meeting adjourned

Nearby Lodging

For lodging close to ISIS, we recommend the following:

Embassy Suites Hotel
1811 Broadway
Nashville, TN 37203
T 615.320.8899
Hampton Inn
1919 West End Ave.
Nashville, TN 37203
T 615.329.1144
Holiday Inn
2613 West End Ave.
Nashville, TN 37203
T 615.327.4707
2555 West End Ave.
Nashville, TN 37203
T 615.321.1300

Arriving by Air

A taxi from Nashville International Airport to Vanderbilt University, ISIS is about $25 + tip.


Please park in one of the marked visitor spaces on the ground level. Check-in with the first floor administrative staff to pick up a visitors pass. The administrative staff will direct you to the meeting room on the 2nd floor.

*You must be logged in, and a member of the SURE group, to access the slide presentations. To request access, please email Katie Dey at sure[at]cps-vo[dot].org.