Systems that maintain state awareness and an accepted level of operational normalcy in response to disturbances, including threats of an unexpected and malicious nature.
Historically, software assurance technologies and robust fault-tolerant control (RFTC) theory were developed under different assumptions and models. The software assurance technologies are often model-based that require the profile of the physical dynamics and the observation of the system state, which may not be available when physical defects exist. On the other hand, though the existing RFTC techniques can efficiently compensate for the physical damage, it is critical to guarantee that the control software and the sensor data are not compromised.
Abstract: Cyber-physical systems have been increasingly subject to cyber-attacks including code injection and code reuse attacks. With the tightly coupled nature of cyber components with the physical domain, these attacks have the potential to cause significant damage if critical applications such as automobiles are compromised. Instruction Set Randomization and Address Space Randomization have been commonly proposed to address these types of attacks.
Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) are being increasingly deployed in critical infrastructures such as electric-power, water, transportation, and other networks. These deployments are facilitating real-time monitoring and closed-loop control by exploiting the advances in wireless sensor-actuator networks, the internet of "everything," data-driven analytics, and machine-to-machine interfaces. CPS operations depend on the synergy of computational and physical components.
The project is developing novel architectures for control and diagnosis of complex cyber--physical systems subject to stringent performance requirements in terms of safety, resilience, and adaptivity. These ever--increasing demands necessitate the use of formal model--based approaches to synthesize provably--correct feedback controllers.
This project advances the scientific knowledge on design methods for improving the resilience of civil infrastructures to disruptions. To improve resilience, critical services in civil infrastructure sectors must utilize new diagnostic tools and control algorithms that ensure survivability in the presence of both security attacks and random faults, and also include the models of incentives of human decision makers in the design process.
The overarching goal is to employ a Wide-Area measurement-aided supervisory layer for correcting maloperation in relays, which can prevent system-wide blackouts. PSU's task in this project is to ensure distinction between disturbance outlier and anomalous outlier in such Wide-Area measurements. This poster presents a Principal Component Analysis (PCA)-based method for online characterization of outliers in Wide-Area synchrophasor measurements. To that end, a linearized framework is established to analyze dynamical response from a system under nominal and off-nominal (e.g.