
Monitoring and control of cyber-physical systems.

Visible to the public Co-design of Multimodal CPS Architectures and Adaptive Controllers

This project concerns real-time implementations of networked control strategies on distributed embedded systems. Co-design of the implementation platform and control strategies for multiple control applications is addressed. Limited and shared resources among control and non-control applications introduce delays in transmitted messages. Various aspects of these delays are efficiently addressed in this research. Overrun strategies that accommodate variations in the delays have been developed.


Visible to the public Pulsar- Wireless Propagation-Aware Clock Synchronization

This poster presents the Pulsar platform, which can achieve better than 5 nanosecond clock synchronization in an indoor environment combining wireless ultra-wideband communication with a chip-scale atomic clock. We discuss the various challenges in synchronization at nanosecond scales then propose and evaluate a proof-of-concept protocol for the same.


Visible to the public Architecture for Future Distribution Systems Including Active Consumers with Rooftop Solar Generation

This project aims to create a Holonic Multiagent System (HMAS) architecture to support transactive energy market of "active consumers" engaged in buying and selling electricity (locally generated from resources such as rooftop solar photovoltaic) in response to real time electricity pricing. The architecture should require little change to the existing investment in power distribution systems while allowing for the dynamic, adaptive control required to integrate active consumers with current and future combinations of high-variability distributed power sources, such as PV generators a


Visible to the public Knowledge-Aware Cyber-Physical Systems

This poster showcases progress on the NSF Knowledge-Aware Cyber-Physical Systems project. We have identified a case study to be used as a stepping stone in the study of Air France Flight 447, and have started using it to understand and show-case the features of the logic under development. It highlights the important distinction between observable and unobservable events, and has led to a better representation of pilot intuition while flying.


Visible to the public Postdoc positions at Verimag, France

The Rigorous System Design team at Verimag Laboratory (, Grenoble, France, is offering 4 Post-doc positions. We are looking for responsible and mature post-doc who can contribute to the group activities including tool development, handling industrial case-studies and developing the underlying theoretical foundations. In particular, the candidate should be able to help in the following projects and topics: