
The formalization of system engineering models and approaches.

Visible to the public CPS: Synergy: Autonomous Vision-based Construction Project Monitoring

This Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) project supports research to enable the automated monitoring of building and infrastructure construction projects. The purpose of construction monitoring is to provide developers, contractors, subcontractors, and tradesmen with the information they need to easily and quickly make project control decisions. These decisions have a direct impact on the overall efficiency of a construction project. Given that construction is a $800 billion industry, gains in efficiency could lead to enormous cost savings, benefiting both the U.S. economy and society.


Visible to the public CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Safe and Efficient Cyber-Physical Operation System for Construction Equipment

Equipment operation represents one of the most dangerous tasks on a construction sites and accidents related to such operation often result in death and property damage on the construction site and the surrounding area. Such accidents can also cause considerable delays and disruption, and negatively impact the efficiency of operations. This Cyber Physical System (CPS) research project will conduct research to improve the safety and efficiency of cranes by integrating advances in robotics, computer vision, and construction management.


Visible to the public Knowledge-Aware Cyber-Physical Systems

This project addresses the foundational problem of knowledge and limits of knowledge within cyber-physical systems (CPS). A single system observes its environment through sensors and interacts through actuators. Neither is perfect. Thus, the CPS's internal view of the world is blurry and its actions are imprecise. CPS are still analyzed with methods that do not distinguish between truth in the world and an internal view thereof, resulting in a mismatch between the behavior of theoretical models and their real-world counterparts.


Visible to the public CPS: Synergy: Safety-Aware Cyber-Molecular Systems

When dealing with safety-critical programmed molecular systems, it is essential to be able to observe the behavior of a system. The capability to log the states of a system over time, for later observation, is critical to help determine when and how faults have occurred.


Visible to the public CAREER: Robustness Guided Testing and Verification for Cyber-Physical Systems

This project develops a theoretical framework as well as software tools to support testing and verification of a Cyber-Physical System (CPS) within a Model-Based Design (MBD) process. The theoretical bases of the framework are stochastic optimization methods, and robustness notions of formal specification languages.


Visible to the public CPS: Synergy: Executable Distributed Medical Best Practice Guidance System for Emergency Care from Rural to Regional Center Hosp

Executable Medical Best Practice Guidance (EMBG) system is designed to prevent unjustified deviation from medical best practice guidance across a hospital network, consisting of rural hospitals, regional center hospital and ambulance service.

Like a GPS-enabled navigation system, EMBG provides patient state by state treatment advises based on dynamic patients' conditions and clinical environment. The safety of the EMBG system is built upon formal theoretical verifications and clinical validations in collaboration with medical professionals.


Visible to the public CPS: Synergy: Cyber Physical Regional Freight Transportation

In this project we consider the development of a Cyber Physical Freight Transportation System for load balancing in multimodal transportation networks. We use on line simulation models to capture the nonlinear and complex dynamical characteristics of the transportation networks. The simulation models generate the states of the network that are used to solve an optimization problem which finds the optimum routes.


Visible to the public Towards a Science of Attack Composition, Mitigation and Verification in Cyber Physical Systems-A Passivity Based Approach

Cyber-physical systems (CPS) may be targeted by multiple simultaneous attacks, with the goal of disrupting availability, safety, and performance of the CPS. This project aims to develop a passivity-based framework for modeling, composing, and mitigating attacks on CPS, as well as verifying the models and mitigation. Passivity is an energy dissipation property of dynamical systems that provides basic rules for composition and analysis of interconnected systems.