Illinois Institute of Technology
Submitted by on Tue, 01/09/2018 - 5:11pm
Executable Medical Best Practice Guidance (EMBG) system is designed to prevent unjustified deviation from medical best practice guidance across a hospital network, consisting of rural hospitals, regional center hospital and ambulance service.
Like a GPS-enabled navigation system, EMBG provides patient state by state treatment advises based on dynamic patients' conditions and clinical environment. The safety of the EMBG system is built upon formal theoretical verifications and clinical validations in collaboration with medical professionals.
The project is to develop an Executable Medical Best Practice Guidance (EMBG) system to assist the adherence of stroke patient care at a rural hospital to the best medical practice as if the patient care is at a regional hospital. The EMBG system is adaptive to the changing needs of stroke patients and physical resource availability, similar to a GPS-enabled navigation system that can adapt to driver's preference and accommodate road condition changes.
Cyber-physical system (CPS) applications for urban systems often involve sophisticated interaction and coordination between physical and computational resources with a large number of sensing and actuation devices that share information communication networks.