Medical Devices

Equipment used in the health care industry that use CPS technology.

Visible to the public Design and Development of a Cybernetic Rehabilitative Hand-Wrist Exoskeleton

Robotic devices are excellent candidates for delivering repetitive and intensive practice that can restore functional use of the upper limbs, even years after a stroke. Rehabilitation of the wrist and hand in particular are critical for recovery of function, since hands are the primary interface with the world. However, robotic devices that focus on hand rehabilitation are limited due to excessive cost, complexity, or limited functionality. A design and control strategy for such devices that bridges this gap is critical.


Visible to the public CPS-Synergy-Integrated Modeling, Analysis and Synthesis of Miniature Medical Devices

Over the last decade, researchers have started exploring the design space of Medical Capsule Robots (MCRs):devices that operate autonomously within the human body and can monitor, diagnose, prevent, and cure diseases. MCRs are severely resource constrained devices in size, power and computational capacity. As&nbsp


Visible to the public  SmartMedDev 2017
Feb 21, 2017 7:00 am - Feb 23, 2017 6:00 pm CET

3rd International Special Session on Smart Medical Devices - from Lab to Clinical Practice (SmartMedDev)


Visible to the public EAGER: Events of Interest (EoI) Capture Using Novel Body-worn Fully-passive Wireless Sensors for S&CC

Patients with chronic illness require frequent and avoidable hospital visits. This project aims to develop a new class of battery-less, low-cost, disposable, wireless electronic patch sensors to monitor a variety of physiological signals and a custom smartphone app to monitor their health status and to elect to share their anonymized events-of-interest with their community towards a smart and connected community (S&CC).