Energy Efficient Buildings

Technologies enabling energy-saving measures for buildings.

Visible to the public CEEMS – Cyber Enabled Energy Management of Structures


This project focuses on modern buildings as a natural expression of a cyber--physical system, with many features that are typical to such systems. Modern buildings exhibit a tight integration of sensing, computation, and actuation within multiple physical domains. For example, larger buildings usually contain a sensor network, with a variety of sensors that measure power flow, temperature, relative humidity, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide.


Visible to the public SMARTER -Smart Manager for Adaptive and Real-Time decisions in building clustERs


Traditionally, buildings have been viewed as mere energy consumers; however, with the new power grid infrastructure and distributed energy resources, buildings can not only consume energy, but they can also output energy. As a result, this project removes traditional boundaries between buildings in the same cluster or between the cluster and power grids, transforming individual smart buildings into NetZero building clusters enabled by cyber-support tools.


Visible to the public Methods for Network-Enabled Embedded Monitoring & Control for High-Performance-Buildings


The objective of this research is to develop methods for the operation and design of cyber physical systems in general, and energy efficient buildings in particular. The approach is to use an integrated framework: create models of complex systems from data; then design the associated sensing-communication-computation-control system; and finally create distributed estimation and control algorithms, along with execution platforms to implement these algorithms.


Visible to the public EAGER: Centralized Control of Large-Scale Distributed Sensor/Actuator Networks: Self-organizing Amorphous Façades


We wish to create office divider/facade systems that can adapt their visual appearance and privacy properties to your working needs, can be rearranged within minutes, and allow you to program them by gestures. For example, a wall could sense outside weather and its occupants' moods and adapt its color accordingly. Or, a wall could provide its user with privacy by becoming opaque and emitting white noise. Finally, individual elements could open themselves up to let air, noise, and little objects pass between zones.


Visible to the public A Framework for Enabling Energy-Aware Smart Facilities


The goal of the proposed research is to identify ways to inexpensively provide specific information about energy consumption in buildings and facilitate conservation. Signal processing, machine learning, and data fusion techniques will be developed to extract actionable information from whole-building power meters and other available sensors.


Visible to the public Hybrid Control Tools for Power Management and Optimization in Cyber-Physical Systems


This project strikes a balance between performance considerations and power consumption in cyber--physical systems through algorithms that switch among different modes of operation (e.g., low--power/high--power, on/off, or mobile/static) in response to environmental conditions. The computational contribution is a hybrid optimal control framework that is connected to a number of relevant target applications where physical modeling, control design, and software architectures all constitute important components.


Visible to the public Domain-Specific Modeling


The objective of this research is an injection of new modeling techniques into the area of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs). The approach is to design new architectures for domain- specific modeling tools in order to permit feedback from analysis, validation, and verification engines to influence how CPSs are designed. This project outlines new research into the integration of existing, heterogeneous modeling languages in order to address problems in CPS design, rather than a single language used to design any CPS.