Energy Efficient Buildings
Technologies enabling energy-saving measures for buildings.
Despite their importance within the energy sector, buildings have not kept pace with technological improvements and particularly the evolution of intelligent features. A primary obstacle in enabling intelligent buildings is their highly distributed and diverse nature.
The SDB project seeks to design, engineer, and evaluate the foundational information substrate for cyberphysical systems in a concrete, canonical form - creation of efficient, agile, model- driven, human-centered building systems. Modern commercial buildings provide increasingly integrated Building Management Systems, but are typically closed or based on proprietary interfaces, are difficult to extend, and it is expensive to add new capabilities.
The objective of this research is to develop a theory of "ActionWebs", that is, networked embedded sensor-rich systems, which can be tasked to coordinate multiple decision- makers. The approach is to first identify models of ActionWebs using stochastic hybrid systems, an interlinking of continuous dynamical physical models with discrete state representations of interconnection and computation. Second, algorithms will be designed for tasking individual sensors, based on information objectives for the entire system.
This research proposal focuses on event--based information acquisition, state estimation and control in the context of high dimensional cyber physical systems. In particular, as part of the cyber system a (set of) decision maker(s) or agents is responsible for the acquisition of information, learning, and control about the underlying physical system of interest. The information acquisition process may be instigated or adapted based on events in the systems.