smart and connected communities


Visible to the public 2018 Social Justice and Equity in the Engineering of Smart and Connected Communities Workshop Report

2018 Social Justice and Equity in the Engineering of Smart and Connected Communities Workshop Report

PI: Radha Poovendran

Professor and Chair, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Washington, Seattle.



Visible to the public 2018 Social Justice and Equity in the Engineering of Smart and Connected Communities Workshop Report

2018 Social Justice and Equity in the Engineering of Smart and Connected Communities Workshop Report

PI: Radha Poovendran

Professor and Chair, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Washington, Seattle.



Visible to the public TickTalk: Timing API for Federated Cyber-Physical Systems

The goal of this research is to enable a broad spectrum of programmers to successfully create apps for distributed computing systems including smart and connected communities, or for systems that require tight coordination or synchronization of time. Creating an application for, say, a smart intersection necessitates gathering information from multiple sources, e.g., cameras, traffic sensors, and passing vehicles; performing distributed computation; and then triggering some action, such as a warning.


Visible to the public TUW Research Cluster “Smart Communities and Technologies”: Call for PhD Students and Post-Doctoral Scientists

TU Wien - Austria Vice Rectorate for Research and Innovation - TUW Research Cluster "Smart Communities and Technologies"


Visible to the public Smart and Connected Communities - Visioning Workshop

Project Details
University of Washington

The final report for the workshop supported by this grant can be accessed here: