

Visible to the public Building.xml


Visible to the public Building.cfg


Visible to the public CAFF Problem Instance: Building

This benchmark is taken from the paper "Large-Scale Linear Systems from Order-Reduction", by Hoang-Dung Tran, Luan Viet Nguyen, and Taylor T. Johnson.

Description from the paper: "The building model is a model of the Los Angeles University Hospital with 8 floors, each of which has 3 degrees of freedom. This system has 48 state variables in which we are mostly interested in the twenty-fifth state x_25(t), which is the motion of the first coordinate."


Visible to the public  MSCPES 2016
Apr 11, 2016 8:00 am - 5:00 pm CEST

Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Cyber-Physical Energy Systems (MSCPES) 2016

April 11, 2016 | Vienna, Austria


Visible to the public arch14_submission_13.pdf

This version of the benchmark fixes a typo (minus sign) in eq (2).


Visible to the public FHWA Saxton Transportation Operations Laboratory Seeks Volunteers

The Federal Highway Adminstration (FHWA Saxton Transportation Operations Laboratory is comprised of three testbeds: a Data Resources Testbed , a Concepts and Analysis Testbed, and a Cooperative Vehicle-Highway Testbed. The Concepts and Analysis Testbed incorporates a repository of transportation models at the macroscopic, mesoscopic, and microscopic levels to allow simulation runs and visualizations of representative traffic networks and experimental strategies to improve performance, including measures of safety (to some extent), mobility, and environmental performance.&nbs