

Visible to the public Call for Submissions - 7th Int. Workshop on Applied Verification for Continuous and Hybrid Systems

7th Int. Workshop on
Applied Verification for Continuous and Hybrid Systems


Visible to the public Postdoc positions in Safety Assurance for Machine Learning @ NTU, Singapore

Position type: Postdoc (Research Fellow) for 3 years.

Salary range: Between S$4500 and S$6000 monthly depending on background and experience.

Expected qualifications: PhD in Computer Science, Computer Engineering or related fields.

Number of positions: 2

Research topics:

1. High assurance techniques for efficient runtime detection of out-of-distribution images in vision based applications for CPS (training space characterization).


Visible to the public Call for Proposals: Foundational Research in Robotics (NSF)

Call for Proposals

Foundational Research in Robotics

National Science Foundation


Apply to PD 20-144Y as follows:

For full proposals submitted via FastLane: standard NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide proposal preparation guidelines apply.


Visible to the public CISTER Labs: Research Scientist Positions in CPS, IoT, RTS, AI, Security

Position Announcement

Reseach Scientist & Engineer Positions at CISTER Labs

February 21st deadline (details below)

Call for Expression of Interest (EoI) in Research Scientist/Engineer positions to engage in an ambitious research plan in the area of Real-Time & Embedded Computing Systems (RTES), Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) and Internet-of-Things (IoT).



Visible to the public Assistant Professor position on Intelligent Robotics

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of California, Santa Cruz invites applications for a Tenure Track Assistant Professor in Intelligent Robotics.


Visible to the public Associate Professor in Modelling, Verification and Quantitative Analysis of Cyber Physical Systems (Telecom Paris)

Telecom Paris is recruiting an Associate Professor (tenured position -- "maitre de conferences") in Modelling, Verification and Quantitative Analysis of Cyber Physical Systems (CPS).

Please forward this offer to your colleagues looking for a position in this domain (Application deadline : March, 26th, 2020)



Visible to the public 4-Years Funded Doctoral Positions: Doctoral Program on Resilient Embedded Systems

Positional Annoucement

4-Years Funded Doctoral Positions: Doctoral Program on Resilient Embedded Systems


TU Wien and FH Technikum Wien are seeking exceptionally talented and motivated students for their joint doctoral program on Resilient Embedded Systems.


This program is aimed at highly motivated students who want to work in one of these main research topics:


Visible to the public Call for Papers: Special Issue "Applications for Smart Cyber Physical Systems"

Call for Papers

Special Issue "Applications for Smart Cyber Physical Systems"

Deadline: March 15th, 2020